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Park Model Homes, A Short Term Investment Opportunity

Needing a small investment opportunity that quickly brings a return. With the trend toward tiny homes and vacation rentals, Park Model Homes make an ideal vacation home, or rental property. Adding value to your investment portfolio.

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Find Out Why Park Model Homes Are A Great Short Term Investment

* other designs are also available

Save Money with Entry level pricing

Financing Options Available

Excellent tax benefits

New construction

No foundation required

Comes professionally furnished

No property tax

Up to 400 square feet

Want a place to invest, but not in the market for a large expensive home. Wishing you could turn a profit soon? A Park Model Home will produce a quicker return on investment than a normal residential rental would. Plus the overhead cost to design and build this cabin is significantly less than a traditional cabin or home. And while park model prices vary a lot depending on the size, quality, and extra amenities you want added, they are still a very affordable option.

Unlike a standard home or cabin, our Park Model Home don’t require a full basement, crawlspace or foundation. Simply place your cabin on a stone pad, hook up your utilities, and you’re ready to turn a profit.

So from a financial perspective, a Park Model Home is an excellent investment. Our high-quality structures fill the niche between a RV and the traditional site-built home. Perfectly balancing space and cost.

Also, because you don’t have a permanent foundation you have the ability to move your cabin at any time. This will, of course, take more effort than a normal RV, but it is possible. In most cases you will need a permit to move it. You may also want to hire a professional to ensure your cabin is handled properly and all local state laws and regulations are met.

A Short-Term Rental Option that Won’t Break the Bank And Earns Higher Returns


If you are planning on acquiring property to operate as a short-term rental (Airbnb) there are a number of additional due diligence items you will not want to overlook.

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