Episode 115: What’s Slimy And Smells (Good) But 100% Necessary For Your STR?

How to build an Airbnb Business: What’s Slimy And Smells (Good) But 100% Necessary For Your STR?

What’s one small thing we need in multiple rooms in our short-term rentals that is 100% necessary and can smell (good) ? Soap! Yes, what a fun subject right?

Ok, while it might not be the most fun subject for many of us it is uber important. Our guests rely on us to stock our rentals with soap. And not just in not just our bathrooms, but also kitchens, dishwashers and laundry rooms. There are lots of options and lots of ways to display them and make sure they stay full.

Let’s review this week

  • The essentials spots
  • Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash. Can we combine them?
  • Dispensers or disposable?
  • Housekeeping considerations
  • Soap pods vs. powders
  • High end vs. cheap


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In the short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick actionable items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rental riches podcast. Not all of the topics in our short terminal world are super exciting sexy glamorous but a lot of them are really necessary so this week we’re gonna talk about one that is definitely necessary 0 percent you gotta have it otherwise your gas maybe gonna be a little frustrated so let’s jump right in this week we’re talking all about soaps for our short term rentals. So used to be when you stay in the short term and all that maybe they had shampoo in the shower hopefully they did I’m talking like 510 years ago when he sustained a and a lot of error being bees it was really hit or miss and depend on where you are in the world it can still be hit or miss I got a lot of places and they still don’t have it maybe in the shower or something like that but in the U. S. where most of us have our properties most of the listeners the show thanks for tuning in again by the way it’s pretty much a requirement we need to have it we have to have it and we’ve got to have it in multiple places in our short term rental so not just the bathroom but we need to have it in kitchens and powder rooms we need so far wash machines we need so for our dishwasher so I want to talk about some of the options we’ve used in the past and just a few things to consider about soap so first off we do need these and multiple places I’m just going to start with the bathroom because that is probably the most important place where we have to have soaps it’s also probably the place where we’re more likely to get a negative review our bathrooms have to be spotless so we’ve got to have soaps now do we need to have shampoo conditioner and body wash and shower. Well you know they sell shampoo and conditioner combinations some people have different feelings about that I mean having something is better than having nothing obviously and as long as it looks clean then I think you can get away with just a shampoo and a conditioner combination and then a body wash now if your property is higher and it doesn’t cost you a lot to add a separate condition or something that’s nice right so we’re gonna talk about whether we need to spend more money or not but just having something in there at least have your shampoo and body wash you got a shampoo conditioner that works now should you buy regular bottles and leave them on the shelf well you can do that or you can get refillable containers and that’s what we like to do now for several reasons one is that when you see the little shampoo bottle on the window seal or on the wall or whatever it is and if it’s not full then you just think about the other people that were using that right and now the same thing would happen if you’re using a refillable dispenser and it’s only half full so you got to make sure that you’re filling it all the time but it’s easier for housekeeper to refill one of those refillable containers in is some bottle and so you can just get the gallons off Amazon or from cosco you know where you’re at and there’s several options online so that’s what we use I think it’s also nice and clean makes it easy it’s easier on the housekeeping and make sure that we have it there when I first started I I had properties that. I got the individual bottles you know the little luxury bottles like these in the hotel and you can do that it’s been hard to say whether that actually made a difference or not I would say if it’s a higher in property doesn’t cost you that much more in those things can be pretty nice so we’ve been using the refillable ones because it’s a little easier as you’ve been scaling with housekeeping but also because it’s a it’s a little more economical right now we can buy in bulk and we can leave a couple gallons of the housekeepers in it and it’s easy to stay on top of so the bathroom is a big one course we do not want to have bar soaps that’s a big big no no and I would say whatever your use in terms of shampoo and conditioner just make sure that it’s fall the time don’t get something that’s like really over power smelly right you don’t want that something more neutral the batter everyone’s got a different different tastes that they like. Hey Hey just want to ask you guys real quick favor if you haven’t already left this review if you wouldn’t mind heading over to iTunes or Spotify wherever you’re listening to the podcast and just leave us a quick review we really really appreciate it and if you know someone that you think would find value in any of the episodes that you’ve listened to you could just take a screen shot send it over to that’ll help them but it’s also going to help us grow a little bit too and lastly we’re on YouTube so if you prefer you to you can head over to short term rental riches and you can find us there as well thanks for listening in and thanks for all your great feedback. Let’s jump back in. Also in our bathrooms we need hand soap right so again we can buy individual pump hand soaps that are going to run out and they’re probably going to be partially empty and your guests are probably going to be thinking of other people the reason these pumps or you can buy refillable ones and just make sure that their fall the time now you can get really nice looking refillable ones right that’s part of the ideal way to do this and I would prefer to get one that is a solid color she can’t see that it’s partially empty of course that’s going to be one more thing for housekeeper to check they have to actually open it every time versus BMO the look through if it’s transparent they can see if it needs to be filled or not so we need the hand soaps we need the shower so it’s up to you whether doing the little bottles or the big ones for me personally I think refillable one ‘s been bass and you can find the ones that we use on our website arrest methods.com just got recommended resources you’ll see the one that we use now there’s other places around where we need so spring I especially right now with all the you know we’re still dealing with fiber stuff and some people are more concerned about this and they’ve ever been so we gotta have soap in our kitchen as well and there’s very likely couple sponsor you need if you have a dishwasher then you’re going to need dishwasher detergent or liquid however I would recommend getting the little pods that they have now they’re way easier you can just leave a jar under the sink leave a handful there make sure you’ve got enough especially against the stand for a while so that they don’t have to ask you for so ever again right there guys shouldn’t have to ask us for so we can have that there but now we also want to have dish washing liquid just for the sink even if we have a dishwasher because sometimes guests like to wash stuff on their own they don’t want to run through the dishwasher so make sure have a sponge. Make sure you have a little bottle of dish washing detergent under the sink or somewhere that’s just nice and please don’t respond as that is a that’s a big no no that’s that’s stinky smelly not gonna not gonna get you good reviews so there’s 2 options with our dish washing soap also right we get a refillable container maybe have a nice cool one that’s labeled dishwashing soap that came that way you can of course buy a bottle the transparent bottles I think that’s the tack is way out or there’s also the transparent bottles that come in individual units and that’s kind of cool you can get those in bulk off Amazon and leave a couple of those under the sink with a nice fresh bunch and good to go there in the kitchen now there’s another place that we can use the pods as well and that is for our washing machine and I recommend doing the same thing get a nice little jar leaving it next to the washing machine this helps our gas more personal than what the measure anything at all to dump anything in there there’s they’re individually wrapped their super easy to use if you haven’t used before check them out that’s what I hate is personally and it just makes it easier you also don’t have the risk of something over flowing or anything like that and they’re easy to stock right you just buy a huge box of them and you fill those little jars your housekeepers can fill those little jars on their regular routine so we get all those pods at cosco’s good Sam’s club’s good if you’re in the U. S. Amazon of course we can order all that stuff and we can send all this to our housekeepers if were not working with professional housekeepers so lastly you know there’s a question on. Cheap verses and expensive and I again I think this depends on your property it’s one of those things that’s kind of hard to determine it’s much harder to determine than it is for example having bad toilet paper that is no no you need good toilet paper that will get you some bad reviews people like it so I splurged on the toilet paper but on the soaps you can get something neutral but if you want to take it one extra step began a luxury property it’s nice to have some nice bass so I gotta say it’s nice to have so if you want to go that route I say do it it’s only a few extra Bucks and your guests will like it but if you’re scaling and you have a lot of work commodity type properties like I talk about on this channel and the ones mainly the ones that I own we don’t get any negative feedback about ourselves so I like to use the refillable bottles they’re easier to scale with 3 easier for housekeeping they look nice and clean and done that is about it in regards to soaps so we could get into the subject on brands but that could go on forever and ever when it comes a lot of these things you know it’s just really easy is just to check reviews on Amazon or something like that something that’s got thousands reviews and good reviews that’s pretty good safe bets so make sure you’ve got your soaps and all your rooms consider using a refillable ones if you don’t already I really suggest using those pods for your dishwasher and your washing machine if you have those in your unit because major really easier for gas and that’s what this is all about right making it as easy for our gas as possible so that they have a great time so they have a great experience and they leave us a great review and you’re not going to get great reviews if you don’t have soap in your rentals so there it is for now quick up the so. Good on soap and I hope you guys are all doing well out there thanks for tuning in again and don’t forget you can send us your questions or comments at S. T. R. riches.com you can view all of our past episodes we also have our house rules in the show notes so you can get a copy of those make sure your house rules are where they should be in a got a wall place so check this out thanks for Jane and again and until next time. There’s so much money to be made the short term rentals but it all starts by having the right property if you guys haven’t yet seen my free ebook on our website rest methods.com head over there and get a copy it’s going to break down what I look for in a property in some great short cuts so that you don’t have to spend hours and hours researching that over rest methods.com and you can grab your free copy there if you want a crash course in everything I’ve really learned to short term rentals in over 5 years managing over 15000 Gasol recorded on our last live event and I’m happy to say we broke it down really nicely into a bunch of different modules that you can watch at your own pace it takes you from start to finish from finding a property we talk about analyzing the property but then also some of the more important pieces how to find your team and how to set up everything so that you can run your operation is passively as possible and free up your time you can find that it rests methods.com forward slash virtual.



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