Episode 86: 6 Expert Tips For Communicating With Your Guests


How to build an Airbnb business: 6 Expert Tips For Communicating With Your Guests

Let’s face it, unexpected issues WILL happen with our rentals and how you and your team handle the communication with your guests is crucial. In fact, communication becomes even more important when there is an issue but at the same time it also creates an opportunity to show your guests that you really care. Good communication equals happy guests and happy guests equal stellar reviews.

But it goes further than that…

I would argue that the better you communicate in general the more success you will have in life, the more friendships you will have, and ultimately less stress will invade your life! So this week I want to break down one of my favorites on the subject; Marshall Rosenburg’s Nonviolent Communication. Marshall’s expert advice translates easily to the world of real estate and your short-term rentals since communication is such a core element of the business. I will break down my top 6 takeaways that you can use in your business and your personal life. Stay tuned!

Link to Non Violent Communication by Marshall Rosenburg: Audible: https://www.amazon.com/Nonviolent-Communication-audiobook/dp/B00TKMBJKE/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=non+violent+communication&qid=1622728480&sr=8-4&tag=

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I’ve got a slightly different topic free this week when we talk about communication and one of my favorite books on the topic by Marshall Rosenberg non violent communication why is this so important well because communication is the name of the game when it comes to our short term rentals so stay tuned let’s jump in.

Welcome to short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick action items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rental riches podcast I’m super excited you guys are here as always it’s a lot of fun doing these podcasts and you know what. It helps reinforce a lot of things that I’m learning myself and that’s one of the topics I want to talk about this week which is communication communication is a never ending study right we can always be better communicators and one of the books that really helped me out with this subject is by Marshall Rosenberg and it’s called non violent communication and why is communication so important with our short term rentals well because it determines the experience that our guests have and when something goes wrong this is when it’s going to be calm even more important and things will go wrong they do if you have thousands and thousands reservations maybe only have a few you never know things happen and they can be very unexpected so what might happen a tree branch falls on someone’s car for example someone can’t check into a rental for whatever reason someone’s flight gets canceled and they’re delayed 10:00 hours and they show up exhausted and there’s an issue with the unit and so we need to communicate with them there’s a lot we can learn with communication I want to break down my favorite principles from this book and just some things to consider because we can use these in our daily life and what their short term rentals and with our team I promise you these are really really good tips so stay tuned let’s jump right in. Good news everyone travel is coming back and so I’m super excited to announce our next upcoming live event takes place in Memphis Tennessee it’s going to be July 30 to August 1 an incredibly jam packed weekend packed with info and all the tools and all the resources and all the procedures that my team and I have put in place to manage over 15000 gas as you guys know I’ve acquired a multi $0 portfolio across several cities across several countries and I’m really excited to share everything with you guys everything I’ve been doing to acquire these properties to set him up like a pro and to operate them as passively as possible it’s going to be a ton of fun you’re gonna learn a ton and I really hope to see there all be flying back from Colombia and you can find out more information by heading to rest methods.com to save your spot there is limited space because we’re gonna be going through some my actual properties the last one sold out so I really hope you guys can make this one a look forward to seeing you in Memphis. So Marshall Rosenberg wrote the book nonviolent communication and the whole idea this Booker I guess the opening line is what if you could defuse tension increase accord in even the most volatile situations just by changing the way you spoke and you can and we can and so I kind of break down my favorite take aways from this book a wise man once said the book we don’t read can’t help us right well even if you don’t read this I want to give you the nuggets that I took away I just re listen to it on actually the audio book is really good option as well because it’s Marshall Rosenberg himself speaking you gotta listen to this guy I mean his voice is just like incredibly sue the Nike you just can’t imagine being angry at this guy so he knows what he’s doing he’s been doing a long time and that’s what he studied so we’re gonna run into situations with our gas where they’re not happy and if we can remember some of these tips it’s gonna make the experience for all of us a little better. So I want to give you my top 6 takeaways number one all anger comes from our needs not being met. So someone’s upset it’s because the need is not being met and this should be a wake up call to us so it requires energy to meet needs are but when we get angry at our anger is using that energy to punish people and to create negative thinking so we just wanna remember that if someone is upset it’s because the need is not being met this might be something with your rental they can get the internet to work they can’t whatever it is it’s because the need is not being met and that is the root of anger number 2. We often misunderstand the difference between requests and needs so requests are tied to a specific person or action and needs are only tied to ourselves everyone has the same needs these are essential things for a living like a security and belonging but requests are gonna be tied more to an action so we just want to remember the difference between requests and needs so when we make requests it’s always better to use positive language. And ask for things that we do want and not things that we don’t want so if you’re having a conversation with someone for example you don’t want to say I don’t want this to happen or I don’t want to have to call anyone again we want to say the things that that we do want right so I would like this situation to be resolved by zone so soon so so as some of these take a little bit of thinking the kind that to kind of get through but that’s a real important one as well. This next one number for this is like probably my biggest takeaway from the book and it’s that anytime we make a statement if it’s followed by the word you there were placing blame on someone to think about that anytime you talk to anyone if you include the words you you’re placing blame on that person so you. Didn’t leave the key in the lock box for example or you didn’t change the batteries on the digital lock that’s placing blame instead of going to the root of the problem so the only time that we can really use the word you without putting blame on someone is it for expressing our need afterwards so just remember that anytime the statement is followed by you it’s placing blame on a person think about that’s really really important one a number 5 it’s not what other people do that makes us angry it’s our interpretations and ideas of what they’ve done that makes us angry feelings are our decision people don’t make us feel the way we do what we feel the way we do so it’s I’m feeling not you make me feel I have someone says something someone does something a gas is is harsh with us on the phone it’s not what other people do that makes us angry it’s our interpretations and ideas of what they have done that makes us angry number 6 any judgment of another person diminishes the likelihood of our needs being met so this is pretty hard to do a lot of times in the short term rental space sometimes we just judge people based on what they say or what they do or the way they’ve communicated with us but that doesn’t help us solve the root of the problem it doesn’t help us resolve what needs need to be met so just try to remember these things I know it’s hard to do when we’re dealing with really difficult gas but it is important and communication is tough sometimes it’s tough and the good thing about it is that we can get better and better and better and I would argue that the better our communication is the more successful we’re gonna be in life and the less stress we’re gonna have him live. So check out Marshall Rosenberg’s book nonviolent communication or check out the audio book I swear it’s going out a lot of value to your gonna learn a lot from it I didn’t nearly do it justice those are just my top 6 takeaways and there’s so many so many more check out a you too but summary of it first if you’re just interested it’s gonna be really helpful and I’ve asked my team to review the book as well and it’s really good to know and to have it in our communication course to remember these quick little tip so until next time I hope you guys are doing really well there and have a wonderful day. There’s so much money to be made the short term rentals but it all starts by having the right property if you guys haven’t yet seen my free ebook on our website rest methods.com head over there and get a copy it’s going to break down what I look for in a property in some great short cuts so that you don’t have to spend hours and hours researching at over rest methods.com and you can grab your free copy there if you want a crash course in everything I’ve really learned to short term rentals in over 5 years managing over 15000 Gasol recorded on our last live event I am happy to say we broke it down really nicely into a bunch of different modules that you can watch at your own pace it takes you from start to finish finding a property we talk about analyzing the property but then also some of the more important pieces how to find your team and how to set up everything so that you can run your operation is passively as possible and free up your time you can find that it rests methods.com forward slash virtual.



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