Episode 28: Where to Find the Best Information for Your STR Business


How to build an Airbnb business: Where to find Best Information for Your STR Business‪‬

There is more information available online than ever before and it’s growing at an exponential rate but not all of it is credible. Not all of it is helpful. Not all of it is useful for your STR. This week Tim will give you his favorite learning resources and some points to consider:

  • Best podcasts
  • Best YouTube channels
  • Best Conferences Conferences
  • Mentorships


[3:07] Recommended YouTube channels:
STR University (Richard)

Airbnb Automated


[6:48] Recommended Podcasts:
Get Paid for Your Pad

Vacation Rental Success

[7:54] Recommended Conferences: VRMA, VRSS, HomeAway and Specific software conferences (Israel) REST methods event

You can find all of our links here including our website, webinar, Instagram and more!


VRM intel Magazine: vrmintel.com (for an updated calendar of events)

You can find all of our links here including our website, webinar, Instagram and more!

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In the short term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick action items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard. 

Welcome back everyone to the short-term rental riches podcasts coming to you from the United States today. Hi made the journey back from South America thousands of miles I don’t know how how far that was but it was 3 flights and it was interesting traveling during all of this cove in 19 crisis I left from some Paulo and there were only 5 international flights the whole day and that’s in one of the biggest cities in the world so I was very very interesting and of course you know everyone is taking precautions and wear masks and lots and lots and lots of hand sanitizer everywhere. But back healthy and. Looking forward to knock out some new projects here in the states the travel industry is picking up already again. Hi it’s picking up in the cities where I operate so I’m excited to get back in and I hope you are as well I want to talk today about all of the information available to us as real estate investors but specifically invested in short term rentals there’s a lot of data there’s so much it’s growing exponentially but it’s not all good and it’s not all helpful some of it’s old and outdated so I want to give you just some of my top go to resources including YouTube channels and conferences I and other podcasts and hopefully you’ll find them helpful as well well first of all we all learn differently and some of us are more visual learners and some of us are more audio for me I’m very visual and so is the majority of the population is combining multiple senses right we’re we’re seen images were hearing audio and sometimes were even reading taxed at the same time just depending on how good the content is they were seen so obviously this is one of the reasons why you too has grown so quickly it’s the number one choice for the generation Z. demographic for learning in a recent study so that’s people ages 14 to 23 and they they’ve grown up with you too but it’s not just them it’s it’s everyone and we can find some really really good content on YouTube of course this doesn’t fit every settings so if you’re driving around you’re not gonna be watching a video a couple of mine go to YouTube channels first I would recommend S. T. R. E. university and that’s what the host or teacher named Richard and you. No I think he’s got some great stuff he is a investor at heart so he doesn’t really focus on the lease arbitrage model he has some great tips he’s a positive guy I like that any comes out with a lot of fresh content so I know leave all these links in the show notes but I would say he’s he’s got some really good stuff and actually enjoy watching his stuff the next YouTube channel that does have a very good content but I don’t really enjoy watching the videos quite as much and that’s really just the personality that’s that’s teaching at but he does have a lot of good content he focuses on lease arbitrage and from his videos has alive maybe around 100 or something at this point and with that many rentals you learn a lot about the business and you learn it quickly so he has good notes for operational time things for really all bits of the process and that’s Airbnb automated cell that’s less enjoyable for me to watch again but I think it does have really good content those are my 2 favorite or go to I should say YouTube channels and there’s a ton out there one of the things that we kind of want to avoid though especially if we’re just newbies starting now invest scene is analysis paralysis you’ve probably heard that before when we do way too much research and then we never make a decision because they’re just too many options so I’m just going to give you a couple from each category and within knows there’s gonna be a ton of good content but of course it’s not everything that’s out there in regards to books and E. books and taxed if it’s an actual published book. That can get outdated rather quickly in the short term rental world because things change so quickly now if it’s a book just on real estate investing that’s going to be a lot more timeless but if it’s a you know an E. book on creating the perfect Airbnb listing and that came out 2 years ago I would find something newer because it’s probably outdated some of the recommendations won’t even be relevant so if you’re if you’re using tax if you prefer to read if it’s related specifically the short terminal industry make sure it’s it’s pretty relevant if it’s real estate investing in general and on financing that stuff’s way more timeless and that’s one of the reasons why we love real state because it’s timeless more people have become wealthy from real state than any other industry it doesn’t really change you know it’s kind of just a slow moving. Not a get rich fast scheme but as we talked about before when we combine it with some short term rentals in the right areas even with everything going on we can really boost says returns so just keep in mind if you’re reading the information or blogs you know just make sure that they’re pretty recent if it’s specifically in regards to short terminal operations really hospitality that’s pretty timeless although we do have new standards and things coming with our short terminal so just make sure it’s relevant audio. Podcasts there are more more podcasts popping up every day and there’s lots of good ones the first one I ever listen to before I even started with short term rentals was one called get paid for your pad and it was specifically on Airbnb and he’s still producing episodes and he’s got a lot of great stuff I can’t remember the name of top my head but I’ll make sure to leave the links he’s got a lot of good content as well vacation rental success this is with heather bear she runs a strictly vacation rental operation so if you’re short terminals are more an indication areas she’s going to have some great content for you but she has great content for anyone in the industry she runs a management company with 100 to 200 different properties she’s been through economic cycles before she’s got a lot of lot of good knowledge in tips and interviews those last 2 podcasts I mention are both interview type podcast so check those out they’ll be in the show notes now conferences in person this of course is very tricky if you’re listening this in real time in may of 2020 because we can’t do in person conferences and that’s really a bummer because although we can produce the same content a video course meeting people and building your social network is the name of the game that’s you know we are who we surround ourselves by and we can meet a lot of people that are smarter than us and they have learned a lot about what we’re doing or what we’re trying to do and they can save us from a lot of the frustration so I’m hoping comp says come back as soon as they’re able the last podcast I mentioned heather bear actually did an in person conference too and I I went to several of them she used to have them in Canada. And they were awesome and I still talk to people that I met the very first year I went there years ago great great contacts great information and you really when you go to a conference you’re all in you’re there for the conference there’s less distraction you’re focused and conferences have been probably the most impactful way to learn from me in the in the in the recent years all right I guess I should say the most impactful way to the to build my social network so complexes are fantastic there is a magazine publication called the V. R. M. Intel that has an event calendar with all the different related short terminal specific short terminal focused conferences and you can check that I’ll put on the link but they keep a calendar of all of the best ones are all the most popular ones I should say the V. R. M. A. is the vacation rental managers association and even if you only have a couple rentals or even if you only have one they are a great resource if you’re planning on scaling I’ve been to it several times the first time I went I am maybe only had a couple properties but there’s lots of good industry contacts there lots of good software providers and they do a few times a year in the U. S.. Another place where you might find some good conferences is specifically from software providers some of the bigger property management systems and software have conferences for their users I went to Israel a couple years ago to meet with the makers of the software I use gas the and it was awesome is just like all the other conferences you meet amazing people you learn a ton and remember it doesn’t take a lot from a conference to pay itself back you know one or 2 little gold nuggets can go a long way if you figure out a way to raise revenue a few percent or cut your expenses a few percent aside from the contact you’re gonna build conferences can be a jackpot. Video courses so there’s tons and tons of video courses popping up and that is the future in my eyes it’s more flexible we can learn at our own pace so traditional schools you know you got to keep up with all your classmates there’s well there’s one piece so you can go back and re listen to things we can also create evergreen content so if the instructor puts out of corners in something changes within a couple months or a year they can go back and just edit one section verses you know a book for example and having to re publish it so video courses are awesome they range in all different prices and I think that’s the future so I’ve done my own the event twice now and it’s been very very good very successful events lots of great feedback the last one we sold out completely it was in February with people flying in from all over the U. S. and actually another person from Columbia which was awesome that I had never met before and we go through everything I’ve learned managing over 10000 gas with properties in multiple cities buying them setting them up in setting them up with passive systems to earn the most revenue possible with the least amount of time it’s really my event to show people how you can get into real estate with a solid solid foundation and convert those properties in short terminal so if you want more info on that I hope to do another one later this year I had to postpone our next dates just with everything going on but you can get on a list you just go to rest methods.com I’m not going to stop the mess in real state I’m not gonna stop a short term rentals I realize that I love teaching it so check that out if you’re interested and I hope to see you at a future event in person. So we have a ton of resources there’s a ton of different ways to learn education and information is more available than ever I think the best way really to learn is from others if you can do a mentor ship one on one with someone that’s already doing what you want to do that’s gonna be the golden ticket that’s going to be the best way we have so many other resources from excellent you tube channels excellent podcasts excellent conferences and books and online courses there is a ton of information but don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis or so much data out there we need to take action real estate has traditionally been one the best investment ever that’s not gonna change let’s take action and next week I’ll share with you some of my ideas for how to organize all this information to make it accessible so you don’t have to store it all in your brain. Until next time I hope you are having a lovely day talk to next. Want to get on the fast track to financial freedom through short term rentals what all searching the properties you. You want to make sure that you fired right. To give you my. Yes there is no charge to you for being one of our subscribers just the rest methods. R. E. S. T..



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