Episode 39: Best way to Manage Passwords Effortlessly


How to build an Airbnb business: Best way to manage passwords.

Is there anything anymore that doesn’t require a password? Not really. From banking to your Kindle account and everything in between – you can’t access it without a username and password. It’s not different for the short term rental industry. We have countless subscriptions to manage and have consistent access, too. So, let’s discuss some best practices this week. You can literally save days of your life by using one of these handy tools!

What passwords you need for your STR How to manage them and some useful pointers Which one Tim personally uses How to share them effortlessly with your team Is it really secure to use one of these apps?

The password app I use:

Keeper – www.keepersecurity.com

If you want to learn more about Tim’s journey, email us at resilience@restmethods.com for a free copy of the Amazon Best Selling book Tim co-authored: “Resilience, Turning Your Setback Into a Comeback.”

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In the short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick action items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back everyone to the short-term rental riches podcasts happier here again as always got another nice little actionable item for you to consider today I’ve got a question for him when was the last time you entered a password for something I’ll give you a second to think about it go ahead go ahead. Okay. Wasn’t no longer rank was probably today I mean any maybe did it multiple times today maybe you had your password saved by Google auto fill or something like that which that’s great but the reality is we need a password for and every thing these days like everything was just layers and layers of passwords and usernames and if we use the same one all the time that is a very secure so we need other options and that’s what we’re gonna talk about today an app that I use how to use it and how it will really help you in your rental business and just in your personal life in general as you scale because as you scale the more passwords you need and the more people you might need to access those username and password so. I was opening another internet account today because I’m just getting ready to launch another property with excited for that and so I I called up to open another internet account and of course I need another username and password and I don’t know how many accounts I have with the same company this is Comcast in the US if you guys are familiar with them they have a bit of a monopoly and. They’re not. Let’s just say their customer service is not up to par a lot of times I heard there are some other options coming out to you on mosque is launching a satellite 1 which we won’t need cables or anything like that anymore and it’s going to be high speed I heard that it’s gonna be available in the US and Canada this year 2020 so that would be awesome that would be amazing but for now still working off of older model internet I guess so we’ve got cable going so anyways I need another username password and it just got me thinking like how my gosh if I didn’t have this app that I’m using I would literally waste like days of my life like if you added up all the time that I if I were using this app would need to retrieve username and passwords and all those things like it would literally take days of my life so let’s talk about I mean what what do we need password for I know you. Know how important how everyone wants you to create account but let’s just go over a few because they really start to add up I mean I literally of probably hundreds of different username passwords and my apps I use keeper I’m gonna share a link at the bottom I’m not affiliated with them anyway but highly highly recommend it so I’ll go over some of their features you know some of the typical accounts that we have with our short term rental business some useful pointers with the sap and just for storing passwords in general how we can share with our team and then lastly you know maybe the the biggest resistance using an app like this is a security so we’ll cover that a little bit as well so I use keeper and in their eyes store passwords for everything and let’s just go over a few here sell for sure terminal business for our property and are investing business we have our OTA accounts of those are online travel agencies like Airbnb N. B. R. B. O. and booking.com and tripadvisor so more of those you have the more password you have a course our banking we need username password for that but then there’s multi levels to that so you know for those different accounts we need 10 numbers we have different checking account and routing numbers we have log ins for our mortgage loans if you have a bookkeeper a lot of these banks have shareable access to them they have their own username passwords so there’s a time just in the banking sector which makes sense that’s one of the things we want to keep most secure and in line with that we’ve got quickbooks if using that for accounting or whatever system you’re using for your accounting that might be through your management software which again is another username and password Hey if you have short term and long term properties you can have multiple programs for each of those the internet by on top of the internet you have. Routers you know so if you use Google routers or fuse euro or some of the common ones those have their own log in your guidebook your pricing system your note taking software whether it’s Microsoft or Evernote your cloud storage Google and Dropbox insurance portals property tax payment portals if you have your own website there’s a log in for that your smart home devices so smart locks and thermostats and TV’s and noise monitors it’s. You get the picture I mean it’s just like in less and less and if that’s not enough that’s just a tidbit of the business related ones but then we’ve got all of our personal ones too so we’ve got things like health insurance and vehicle insurance and Pinterest accounts and social media accounts Facebook and Instagram and any learning resources YouTube I don’t want to bore you to death but essentially every single thing that we do need to use and password so you you get the point and do you think that’s going to change no I don’t I don’t think so we’re we’re gonna need a user name password for a long time until the embedded chip an arm or something like that so this isn’t something that’s going away soon and another layer to all those username password then you have your security questions if you forget your username passwords and if you have multiple emails and they’re sending a password back to whatever email you have on file I mean it’s just like oh my gosh utility accounts any mention that but if if you’ve got a lot of short term rentals were painfully utilities cell I’ve got a lot dozens of properties now in each property’s got multiple utility accounts so there’s literally I mean there’s like hundreds I mean if I went through and counted all these things it’s there’s no way you can keep all those passwords in your hand and you wanted to be secure. Where K. intermission thank you so much for listen in the podcast it’s been fun for me and I look forward to getting up so it’s out if you have a specific topic that you’d like us to talk about send us a comment and let us know you can send it to contact at rest methods.com and if you haven’t already subscribed and given us a review that would be greatly appreciated too and lastly if you know someone that you think would find benefit in this as well send it on over to help us keep growing and help us to get amazing content back to you without further ado let’s jump back into. How do we manage all these while I use an app called keeper and keeper will manage all my username and passwords and any notes and the web links to log into those so sometimes you know these portals have different lengths to get in and and that in itself is complicated finding the right log in so you can save all that under one file her one record but then a cool thing with keeper and I’m sure a lot of the other ones do this as well you can store those and folders have like an assistant folder for example she has access to certain things and I have a a bookkeeping folder and they have access to certain things and then I have one for my management company that that manages my own properties and that has a lot of access for multiple people on my team so I basically can share with them I can move these passwords or copy them into any of these folders easily Sherm with someone and then any time I update anything on my end it updates on there and automatically so there’s no like you know running back and forth or anything like that and then you have the auto fill option which is fantastic and we’re gonna get to the security here right after that I know that’s the kind of scary for some people that have all their information on there but this auto fill saves days off your life like even more than that who knows it for to add all this up and going forward I mean it could be weeks who knows I’ve been using keeper for years and I could not imagine not use and then my wife would be a cluster I use it every day or any day I’m on my computer I should say on my phone that’s another great thing about it links between my phone between my I pad between my PC computer so goes across platforms android and apple and any time I update one somewhere. It updates the other one sell huge huge time saver but is it safe I believe in S. you gotta think this company that’s their whole business model is keeping passwords safe so that’s what they’re focused on 100 percent of the time and they have millions of people that have used that are that are using and and thousands of businesses and and they have an enterprise solution to make it easy for big businesses too it’s hosted on Amazon web servers which are secure it’s got all the latest and greatest security staff 256 bit encryption which some of that kind of goes over my head but I know that’s like one of the best ones and it’s encrypted out at device level not to act in keepers clouds more you know up in the cloud on the internet. It’s got the multi factor authentication you know you guys are all used to this I’m sure by now so if it doesn’t recognize the device you’re on then you get a text message or an email in order to prove that you are who you are you have to go through this multi level security you have one master password so you want to guard that baby well. There was a time like a few years ago where I switch computer something I lost and I was able to get it back they have great support too by the way so I can you know call them talk to them on chat and able to retrieve things that way so this is what happens if if you’re not using one of these you’ve probably got this like standard password that you use that you that you add it based on what the site’s asking for some might say you know they need a capital letter in a certain amount of letters or special character or numbers you know space is all these different requirements for the different websites and so the cool thing about keeper as well as it’ll generate passwords for you he just had a little button and boom and it creates really secure ones so you don’t have to you know use the same one for everything so you’ve got stronger passwords for all of your log ins as well so to sum it up if you’re not using a password. Program of some sort. Check one of these out I know apple has their own Google has their own as well and but I don’t know if they get as elaborate as keeper debts that’s designed specifically for passwords and has a Google chrome extension to so you can install over the top of of Google and it’ll no when you’re trying to log into a site you click the keeper button boom larger right right and so it saves literally I mean like weeks off your life and frustration having to reset passwords makes it easier for your team and it doesn’t cost like anything when you break it down so keeper for example I just checked and I’ll leave a link in the show notes again I’m not like affiliated with them in anyway it’s just something to hopefully help you out if you’re not already using a system like this at 73 Bucks for 3 years that’s like $0.6 a day so for $0.6 a day you don’t have to flush around trying to find username password you always have secure ones there on all your devices and your team has access to whatever they need to so for $0.6 a day I think that some serious bargain if you’re not using one of these applications check it out it’s going to help you with your rental business it’s gonna help you out with your short term rentals but just your personal life in general and help you free up time so you can continue acquiring properties on a quicker and quicker basis until next time have a wonderful day. Want to get on the fast track to financial freedom through short term rentals what all searching the properties you. You want to make sure that you fired the right. To give you my. Yes there is no charge to you for being one of our subscribers just the rest methods. R. E. S. T. methods.com


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