Episode 15: Have You Incorporated These in Your Rentals‪?‬


How to build an Airbnb business: Have You Incorporated These in Your Rentals‪?

Our environment shapes how we feel. There is a psychology to interior design and there are certain components that comprise any living space. As short-term rental investors, are we creating the best space for our guests and one that makes our guests feel lively?

  • The top 3 live plants to buy
  • How plants can make you feel better
  • Plants clean the air
  • Who will take care of them?

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Welcome to short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate but with a specific focus on short term rentals quick actionable items to acquire manage and scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back here we are it’s another beautiful day sun is shining. Where I’m at anyways not sure where you’re at in this big world but hopefully you’re having a wonderful day. Today we’re gonna talk about something they can make your day better they can make every moment better really and that is the space that we live in interior design and that is such a big topic it’s it’s my favorite topic and I’m actually plan on putting together a compiling everything that I’ve learned about it into a little course that people can use after their rentals for your guises rentals but today I just want to talk about one component of that and that is plants whether they’re fake or real they can make a difference in an impact on your environment thus making a difference on the way you feel the only nationally talk about today because I just got back from a nursery and I’m down here medigene in Colombia and plants grow everywhere they called the city of eternal spring because there isn’t really a difference in seasons and so the plants enjoy year round beautiful weather and they’re also easier to grow and maintain and now I’ve tried to have plants in rentals in other cities that have drastic changes in the climate and that will make it difficult but I wanna talk today about a few ways that you can incorporate plants into your rentals if you’re not already and why you should the nuts and bolts of this is that when we walk into a space when we see the paint colors on the wall when we see the furniture in a room the amount of furniture in a room the style the lighting is their natural light they’re so many components in all of these things affect the way we feel if you walk into a all black room verses and all white room you’re going to have different opinions are gonna feel differently and now I think plants are one of those little things that everyone can put into their rentals that just make.

I feel better they’re they’re alive and they also clean the air they have added benefits but which ones do you buy how do you take care of them and one of my top recommendations let’s jump right in so which ones do you buy and and how many do you buy I’ve got to tell you about one Ranil Airbnb I stayed and actually down here in Columbia as well and beautiful places penthouse on the top is like a 3 level place and I rented it for a month without seeing of course I was coming from the US and it was awesome it’s fantastic on the roof there is a hammock and it was all these plants everywhere on every level at plants and when I checked in the host said oh by the way make sure to water all of the plants 2 times a week or 3 times a week however often it was and that was a lot of work I mean I was like I mean there’s a ton of plants there so make sure not to burden your gas with having live plants and I know that you guys are going to put that amount of plants there man it was crazy you know a lot of those live just because the environment we’re in but when you’re in an area where plants don’t grow easily they can be a lot of work she have to be careful I had a rental that I put a little bamboo plant and an epidural nice. Message on it said please water me once a week or something like that and people don’t see the messages they don’t care maybe and so it’s hard to maintain a plant that.

Is difficult to maintain to begin with you know that maybe needs a lot of water and if your rent teen to gas that are staying for a long period of time and they’re not taking care of then you know you your plants might not make it through that as well so a few of my recommendations that I would say are kind of some very hardy plants that would take less maintenance but of course you still gonna need to water them and this is if you’re going the live plant route because I do think fake plants have a place as well my top recommendations top 3 would be snake plant it’s kind of like a single individual leaves that grow up tall and they’re pointy and that sort of resembles a snake and they’re very hearty and then they grow you know a lot of different conditions so that’s a good one and you can Google these to check him out another one is a robber plants which is really cool and looks at the Leafs are kind of rubbery a very simple looking plants darker in color and they can grow very tall and then a third one I would say is the aloe Vera plant you’ve probably heard that name before Olivares used in all kinds of things it’s like one of the most useful plants in the world it also cleans the air very well it’s one of the top plans for clean air but it’s also one of the easiest to take care of and and that’s you know part of the cacti families seen at a gross out if you haven’t seen it just just Google so those are my top recommendations and now.

They are going to need water the difficult thing with some of these plants that don’t require a lot of maintenance is that sometimes water too much and that will kill them as well so and I would recommend putting a lot of plants in your rental if you are running at full time because it’s gonna be hard to control at U. Canaccord you know just added to the responsibilities of your housekeeper but then you don’t know how much your gas or water in and so on so on so you can definitely have stayed in lots of rentals I had live plants and they do very well you just have to set some little boundaries around it and you know maybe don’t have too many if you’re worried about the maintenance on a real plant I still suggest putting and fake plants I think it does a lot for space and the reality is is that there are fake plants that looks so real now you can’t even tell the you know they’re not the old plants that you found it a state sale you know soak leaves come you know that they’ve gotten good out I mean you can find a lot of met you know I kia has some some cool ones you can find them at home goods that’s a pretty good store if you’re in the US they have him as well they’re not always super cheap but I think they add a lot to a space and they also had some some good color they make things feel fresh so consider live plants if you think it’s gonna be too difficult maybe try a couple of those agave plants or something like that to see how they do it you never know but if you think that’s going to be too much work too much to take care of then add some fake ones I think either way having the plants in your space is going to make your guest feel like like you care about that space especially if they’re alive once so check out those plants if you don’t have any rentals right now I’ve suggest thrown a couple and remember don’t go overboard.

You don’t want to burn your gas you also don’t want to waste money where you don’t need to or create a whole bunch of maintenance tasks that are going to jump up your day and and just make it difficult to track so I don’t these podcasts are helping by the way and I know I’ve got some some great feedback and thank you for that and for anyone that hasn’t given any feedback yet or maybe subscribe to the channel if you do find it helpful and you subscribe I would really appreciate that because that helps other people find it as well we’re all in this together the industry is changing so quickly it’s a fun exciting industry and this is something we can do long term so hopefully our joint talk to next.

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