Episode 23: How do I automate my business using Mindomo


How to build an Airbnb business: How do I automate my business using Mindomo

It’s really difficult to outsource work or automate your business without a set of instructions, or operating procedures (SOP’s). We’ll talk about a really cool little tool that can help you do all of that and make the process easier than ever. Create a visual representation of all the systems in your business so you can step back and let someone else take over.

Tim uses this tool for so many things but just to name a few:

  • Reservation questions
  • Employee procedures
  • Emergency planning
  • Housekeeping procedures
  • Property info
  • Cancelling policies & house rules
  • Marketing
  • Hiring

Check it out: www.mindomo.com

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In the short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick action items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

One of the basic steps to outsource seen anything to automating anything is having a set of instructions a set of procedures and policies otherwise known as standard operating procedures or SO peas welcome back everyone of the short term rental riches podcast that’s what we’re gonna talk about today because it’s essential if you want to automate any part of your business have clear precise instructions and I want to talk about a tool that I’ve been using called mind don’t know I’ll put the link for that in the show notes but mine don’t know is an excellent tool.

For creating mind maps and that is a visual representation of anything really so could be a visual representation of your business of a marketing plan of your property some of the things that I use it for to help my team and I be on the same page but also to train new people it’s an excellent tool if you’re looking to hire someone that works remote. And right now with everything going on there are more people working remotely than ever before I read recently that over 30 percent of the US population is now working from home that wasn’t before just because of this pandemic so finding someone to help you with your business remotely is easier than ever this tool will help you make sure that whoever’s on your team or even just for yourself that things are laid down.

And there is a clear system to everything so mindomo again it’s a mind mapping tool which allows you to take tax in with this app you can do videos voice notes links you can attach documents shared your Google drive so imagine just a image of a property for example you have an image of the floor plan where the lock boxes who the utility provider is who the insurance provider is any little bit of information you need to know about that property you can put it on one mind map and if you ever needed to share that with someone if you’re in the system helping you or you had a new person your team you can simply just share that diagram. And boom you’ve got everything there Fauria so I use that for properties I use it for employee procedures housekeeping operations marketing cancellation policies and house rules reservation questions so if you’ve been thinking about hiring someone for short term rental business to help you manage your property and the manager gas reservations you can lay out all those potential guests questions that someone might have for your property with an answer right next to it and give an easy set of instructions for someone to help you out without that person having to come back and ask you so it’s a beautiful tool I’ve been using them for about a year now and the more I use it the more things seem to get streamline

I would suggest you use it for pieces of your business that I guess you haven’t really thought out yet if if you’re planning on expanding growing your portfolio you know in you an organization chart for example of of your team so do you have someone from marketing and for book keeping all these pieces you can lay out these pieces and just helps you organize it’s it’s a really easy tool to use and another cool thing is that you can actually once you’ve created one of these mind maps you can hit a button and boom all of that mine map converts into an outline and that can become your standard operating procedures which every business that functions with the team has to have one that is the base that is the foundation of all automation of all outsourcing in of all businesses just having a set of procedures and the way that you guys operate so check that out if you are planning on hiring someone with all of this work force going remote I think this could be a great tool for training that’s what I’m using a form for a big piece but but really again just to just organize my business and make it easier for those that work with the. S. take a look at it I’ll put in the show notes I think you find can help you with a lot of different things until next time.

Want to get on the fast track to financial freedom through short term rentals what all searching the properties you. You want to make sure that you acquired the right to give you my. Yes there is no charge to you for being one of our subscribers just the rest methods. R. E. S. T.. methods.com



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