Episode 46: How to Handle Negative Reviews?


How to build an Airbnb business: How to Handle Negative Reviews

They are never fun to get but YOU WILL get them; the dreaded “Negative Review.” Our guests are not always right, but it’s our job to make them feel that way. Seeing a negative comment about your beautiful property can be difficult. It’s tempting to argue and act defensive but that will NOT help your case. Let’s talk this week about:

  • What to do when you get a negative review
  • Tips for how to best respond
  • Addressing future potential guests
  • The private comments
  • How responding to all reviews helps your profile (and occupancy)

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In the short term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick action items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back everyone to the short term rental riches podcast happier again as always we’re talking about something this week this maybe not so happy actually most the time it’s it’s a bummer to get a negative review we’re talking about negative reviews and if you’re in the industry for any length of time you’re bound to get one let’s dive in this week let’s talk about what to do when we get one some tips for writing a response to the review which is crucial and then what we can learn from these reviews we want to make sure that were monitoring our reviews right I mean they are essentially the life blood of our short term rental business that’s how the algorithms with Airbnb and homeaway and any listing site where we’re at that’s how they rank us and that determines if people are seen our properties and that determines if they have the option to rent it unless run our own website which I recommend as well. But the reviews are are very very powerful as you know as we use them for everything now it’s the word of mouth online at some point where you’re gonna get a -1 you’re gonna get one that you don’t think is is true or maybe something happened was out of your control the air conditioning one ounce or or maybe just drop the ball somewhere in one of your guests checked in and the place wasn’t as clean as it should be all these things will all come out on the reviews so it’s really really important that we monitor them and that that we respond to so there’s some tips for responding to reviews number one we don’t ever want to get into an argument online I mean we just don’t want to do it it doesn’t look good you’ve seen this on yelp for on Google reviews when you’re looking anywhere where the owner or the business had an opportunity to respond and gotten an argument it doesn’t look good at all so just forget about doing that don’t do it don’t even don’t even think about it the person’s already stayed there that’s done and over with now if they said something that wasn’t true or they use profanity or something like that then you have some grounds for actually having those reviews remove so get in touch with their B. me get in touch with homeaway wherever listens and if you see something that’s not true or you know that’s vulgar you can have those removed and and we’ve done that as well so. Hi don’t don’t respond within a degree town and it’s easy to tell that through your tax so that’s that’s number one and then acknowledge that you’ve read the gas review and you understand their frustration and then. Let them know in the response will really you’re letting future renters now that you already took care of the issue so let’s say it was an air conditioning unit that went out in an apartment or one of your properties when your vacation rentals and I was uncomfortable well instead of saying you know had you told us that they see one out or less selling sometimes they don’t tell you something went wrong until you see in the review but you don’t want to respond to that and put any blame on the gas really you just wanna knowledges you want to have a sincere apology and you want to address future renters. Letting them know in the response that whatever issue was there you’ve taken care of so if it was a housekeeping issue you can simply say you know really sorry we dropped the ball we’ve talked with our housekeeping team already more double checks to make sure that we have everything perfect for next time and and maybe something like you know how we will hope to be able to make it up to you next time something very apologetic that addresses the issue and that addresses future runners to enter not for example sometimes that may go out there’s a storm or something like that and you can simply say you know we had the internet go out we double checked it and we’re back to super high wifi speeds you know whatever it is you just want to address future concerns we don’t want to just respond defensively and then finally just thank them again for their their feedback and maybe end with the another apology or that you hope to make it up to him next time now a lot of times guests will leave reviews. They’re good but then in their private comments which Airbnb and most listing sites have a private comment section to do that’s where they maybe give you some really good feedback something you know. It was a great stay but the better motor been much better if you had more blackout curtains or something like that the the private feedback is really really important to read and also make sure that you stay on top of most gas leave good reviews not all your gas lever VS I do highly encourage that you ask for them I don’t personally ask for you know 5 star reviews I think that’s kinda kinda weird cheesy like a levy a 5 star review now I think just just leave me whatever review you think we deserved I will be out at a great stay and if there’s anything when you know you know let us know in the feedback so monitor them you know the way I do it now we we’ve we’ve got thousands reviews and it really I gotta say it’s like one of the most difficult times for me is to sit down I like to see the bad reviews you know because I wanna fix whatever’s broken you know just make sure that future gas have the best day possible and so because we’re getting so many reviews we get some bad ones in there and when. I get a compiled list of the negative reviews attack a man it really puts a damper in my day it’s like dang it you know whatever is even if it wasn’t true from the gas it’s just it’s hard to read the negative ones but just remember don’t don’t respond negatively or with anger address future concerns read the private feedback and the great thing is. And you can do this right after reading your negative reviews read the positive ones because that’s the majority if if for providing good spaces and great expectations and and exceeding those expectations for gas the reality is we’re gonna get awesome reviews and it’s great to read those so just make sure you’re monitoring all your reviews you already know it’s important but if you read or view an animation angry step away before you respond because we don’t we don’t have any negativity and there we just want to dress future concerns so that is it in a nutshell they’re super helpful I feel really lucky that we’re in an industry where we get such good feedback I mean when you go into a restaurant for example and the waiter comes up and they say you know how was the pasta. We don’t often say it it tastes like crap you know I think you should you know you cook your noodles wrong or something like that we get great feedback with our with our rentals and allows us to improve and really if there is something that’s wrong we can perfect and then it’s it’s corrected for the future so we have great stays on it’s a fun industry I hope you guys are enjoying it I hope you’re scaling I hope these podcasts are helping you if you guys are enjoying the contemplates subscribe and share it and leave us some comments maybe what you want to hear in future episodes we’ve really gone through thousands and thousands of reservations of learned a lot and I love getting good content out to gas so until next time take care. Want to get on the fast track to financial freedom through short term rentals what all searching the properties you. You want to make sure that you acquired the right to give you my. Yes there is no charge to you for being one of our subscribers just the rest methods. R. E. S. T..



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