Episode 29: How to organize information overload


How to build an Airbnb business: How to organize information overload‪‬

How can we possibly handle so much information coming at us from every direction? The plans we have for our short term rentals, the markets we’re researching, the contacts in those markets, pros and cons from one neighborhood to another? We have to have a place to put all of that data and if you try to keep it in your head you will fail! (Or at least forget most of it)

  • Tim will discuss how to use a digital note system to store your ideas so your brain doesn’t have to.
  • How fast is our data expanding?
  • Health benefits of having a “clear” mind
  • Available tools – What Tim uses and other options
  • Accessing your research from anywhere (on any device)
  • The GTD method by David Allen

[6:03] Recommended digital note-taking platforms: EvernoteMicrosoft OneNote (works on Android & Apple)

[9:19] Get a summary of the The GTD method from David Allen: collecting, processing, organizing actions, reviewing and execution.

If you want to learn more about Tim’s journey, email us at resilience@restmethods.com for a free copy of the Amazon Best Selling book co-authored by Tim: “Resilience, Turning Your Setback Into a Comeback.”

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In the short term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick actionable items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back everyone to the short term rental richest podcast. We are overloaded by information in today’s environment it’s unbelievable how much data is being put out every day it bogged down and if you don’t have a way to organize it to put your notes down to make plans then a lot of times we don’t end up taking action so that’s we’re gonna talk about today a system that I use to track all my data for markets for contacts for ideas. Leave for anything that goes into my brain I have a place to put it because our brains as David Allen would say productivity expert our brains are for having ideas and not for storing them so let’s talk about some of the ways that we can handle all of this data coming in and how much data is coming in while a lot of us and we talked about last week if you if you haven’t heard that one yet go back and I talk about some of my favorite resources for the short term rental industry but there’s still a lot of data even and all those so we want to organize it and just how much data is there I read recently that 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. While in almost 5000000000 videos are watched every day on YouTube Snapchat users share over 500000 photos every minute. Every minute on Facebook over 500000 comments are posted almost 300000 status updates over 100000 photos it’s it’s unbelievable the content going out their blogs podcasts videos documentaries so if we don’t have a system for organizing that we’re either gonna miss out on some of our amazing ideas or tips or lessons that we’ve learned we got to have a system for this but more than just having the system this is actually this is just good for our lives to not store all of this in our head or not try to store there’s actual health benefits to it Daniel Levitan road I’m a book called organized mind in he’s a neuroscientist explains that if you’re concerned about something or you’re afraid of something you might forget it actually engages a part of our brain and the sections called rehearsal loop I guess and so you just keep worrying keep pouring in and you keep thinking about things so writing down your thoughts and making a plan switches that off so it saves you from stress and I know I this happens to me all the time and there’s something in my mind I can’t stop thinking about sometimes it keeps you from sleeping so having a system to get all this out on the paper is gonna help us take action and plan and that’s probably one of the most beneficial things I’ve got out of using a digital note system I can talk about a couple of my recommendations for where we can store all this but I would say and I’ve been doing this forever I mean I have my very first goals written down and it’s it’s. It’s crazy to go back and look at it you know if they say if you don’t write your goals down there just a dream so having a place where I can go back and search you know 2009 goals or search whatever it is and not searching through my brain and I can see exactly where it was 10 years ago so I use it a ton for goals and priorities I have a weekly last. And just clean up the clutter feels good you know when it’s not your mind and and you’ve noticed us I’m sure when you clear your email in box out or you clear off your desk you clean out your car clean out your closet no matter what it is we just feel better in a clean open space that that’s why I recommend when we furnish our short term rentals that they give off that feeling that they’re open and spacious and they’re not cluttered why use white paint I just just opens things up so when our minds are open for more data to come and then we can be way more productive I use these notes systems for personal journaling and reflecting and that’s awesome I have all year all my travel I’ve journaled all the time usually when I’m not doing the same thing every day I’m I’m journaling so anytime I go on a trip anywhere I’m reflecting back on the day but I do try every day to write a gratitude journal entry guys I’ve heard about these basically if you write down a few things each day that you’re grateful and try to make them different then we can train ourselves to be happier it’s a habit it’s not all genetic some there is some research that a portion of it of course is genetic but we actually train ourselves to become happy and so by having a gratitude journal and writing things down and I use this again electronically this could be an paper but that’s another way that I use a digital note taking system which is what we’re going to talk about right now and how it can help you with your short terminal business so first of all research and markets again there’s so much data out there are so many contacts that you run into by using a digital note taking system all of the research that you’re doing on markets on learning about the short terminal industry or investing in general you can organize really easily so I. Use a program called Microsoft OneNote it basically syncs between all my devices so if I have my phone with me by my computer with me my I pad whatever it is I can open up one note it’s right on my home screen and boom I can plug in the ideas I’m having the notes the contacts I want to save weblinks and it’s super easy the more you use that you can copy content online copy pictures tons and tons of little tools it only takes a few minutes to get used to it but as long as you organize it in a relatively easy way let’s say for example you’re researching a market in Florida let’s say you’re researching 2 cities in Florida Tampa and fort Lauderdale what you just create a folder that says Florida and then underneath that folder you have Tampa and fort Lauderdale and then you can store all your contacts any research if you go out to a property in your in your inspecting a property can take pictures and bone just transfer it right into the app it’s really necessary today was so much info out there you have to have a way to store all this and for the things that you don’t know where to store them. Then you just have an inbox and inbox like you do in your email and then you wanna make sure it doesn’t get too cluttered but I have an inbox where I hear about an idea that I think will help out when my short term rentals or a great investment opportunity and boom I take a voice note I copy a link I copy some tax I save an email whatever it is into my inbox and then I can sort that later you can use this for short term rental business to track markets to track opportunities you can also share it with your team members so if you have a page full of lock password for example you could share that or standard practices on housekeeping or reviewing gas or cancellation policies any of these things you can easily organize the more you use it the more you will find how valuable it is to have a system like this so check that out check out Microsoft’s OneNote that’s what I use Evernote is also one that’s super popular I know apple has its own I just if you’re using apple I would check to make sure that that would work with other platforms in the future because if you decide to switch you want to take all your notes with you to sell and I backed this up online so I know you know all my journals all my research everything is backed up so in the clouds so will never disappear I’ve lost physical journals before and that is a bummer 6 months travelling Europe in a journal that every single day and it just disappeared one day when I was moving I never got that back so I learned that lesson and I just I just do everything digitally now and these are free too by the way these apps are free so check those out and if you’re kind of confused on just how to set up a system where it sounds complicated then check out David out. Allen’s G. T. D. method David out agains like a productivity guru and he has a lot of lessons on it but he has a G. T. D. method which is getting things done that’s sort of his signature and part of that GTD method is having an in box and a place to sort things so you can check that out I’ll leave a link in the show notes to us some info on that and also these note taking platforms so just to sum it up we all know that the amount of info coming at us that’s available to us now the internet is just unbelievable I mean growing exponentially and it’s not going to slow down it’s only going to speed up so we need a way to manage all that data because it will for sure 100 percent help us in our investment journeys I could argue that my note taking my digital note taking. Could actually be the reason I have been successful because that’s where my my goals go and that’s where I see them and that’s where I can review them no matter where I am it’s just it’s super important and you will feel better when you get a lot of these ideas out of your head N. all in writing and in a place where you can easily go back and search for them later by date by key words whatever it is these systems make it easy to go back and that’s going to help out a ton as you learn more about investing explore other opportunities and continue to grow your business and your investments so don’t let the data go in one ear and out the other one without picking up those important lessons but also don’t let the data Baaghi down to where you never take action and you have analysis paralysis use the node system I guarantee it will help you out with your business and your life and the more you use it the more you’ll find that you’re using that all the time. Until next time have a wonderful day. Want to get on the fast track to financial freedom through short term rentals what all searching the properties you. You want to make sure that you acquired the right to give you my. Yes that there is no charge to you for being one of our subscribers just the rest methods.com R. E. S. T.. .com.



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