Episode 185: Laundry Trouble? Efficient Options for your Short Term Rental

How to build an Airbnb Business: Laundry Trouble? Efficient Options for your Short Term Rental

One of the biggest components of a short-term rental is the turnover between guests and all that dirty laundry.
Sometimes you can hardly tell your guests even used the linens and others, well… I’ll let your imagination run with that one

Either way it’s something we have to deal with and the bigger the property the more laundry we have. For some of us it’s pretty easy; your housekeeper shows up, throws it in the washer, cleans the property and has fresh linens to replace before they’re done cleaning. But for others properties this isn’t so easy…

What happens if you have 3+ bedrooms?

There is too much laundry for one load, so what happens then? Well maybe you’re housekeeper thinks they can fit it all in one… so they try anyway. Or maybe it’s obvious they’re going to do multiple loads so they end up waiting around for the second load to finish even after they’ve finished cleaning the property. Whether you’re working with a professional housekeeping company or paying someone on your team directly the more laundry you have the more it’s going to cost you. That’s a no brainer right. So what do we do?

I’ve learned a ton about laundry over the days managing tens out thousands of guests with my team. Even to the point where I purchased a commercial building and brought in industrial sized laundry machines on forklifts.

Those babies can handle whatever we throw at em’

They’re bolted to the concrete to make sure they don’t spin out of control and run through the wall.

While this is a natural progression for many growing larger portfolios, for others just getting started, we also need other alternatives. This week we talk about those alternatives. Stay tuned as we break down your laundry options for your short term rental:

  • Challenges doing laundry in your property
  • Wear and tear and the life of your machines
  • Housekeeping costs
  • Off-site options, worth it?


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Arguably, one of the biggest pieces of our housekeeping, turnover with our short-term rentals is laundry and it can be a bottleneck. It can be a pain in the butt. There are several ways luckily to handle this. So, I want to talk this week about efficient laundry options for your short-term rental.

Welcome to short-term rental riches. Will discuss investing in real estate but with a specific focus on short-term rentals. Quick, Actionable items to Acquire, Manage and Scale your portfolio. I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rental riches podcast. One of the biggest challenges with our housekeeping is our laundry. Now, of course like everything, the more properties we have in our short-term rental portfolio. The more these little challenges become Challenges. And if you’re building a portfolio, if you have several properties already, well you’ve probably discovered that your laundry operations can be a bit of a bottleneck. So, we’re going to talk about three ways that we can officially be doing laundry and the ways where most people are doing their laundry right now some of the challenges and some of the benefits with each of those options.

So, the first one is just doing laundry in your property. And now this might have been the Only thing that you thought of if you have a vacation rental and your housekeeper shows up and it takes them about 2 to 3 hours to clean the property will they can easily throw the laundry in the washing machine and when they’re done cleaning all of their Linens, hopefully are nice and clean. But what if that property happens to have four bedrooms, they can’t possibly fit all of that linen and one load. So that creates some issues, and what might happen is that your housekeeper tries to put too much laundry in one load, which causes a bit of damage. And definitely causes more wear and tear on your machines that are not built for washing one loads of laundry day in and day out. So that’s one thing that can happen.

The other thing that could happen. Is that your housekeeping expenses, go up a lot, because you have housekeepers waiting there for the laundry to be finished. Maybe they’ve cleaned the whole house. This already but the laundry is not dry yet, that’s usually what takes the most time with residential machine, is the drying. We’re going to get to some of the other options here. To one of the things, I find interesting is that commercial machines, a lot of laundry mats. For example, they let you dry your Linens for free because those machines do such a good job. So, we’re going to get to commercial options here in a quick second. So, if you have a large home that needs multiple loads of laundry then it’s going to be really difficult for your housekeeper to All this done in a timely manner, especially if you have other guests checking in so what can you do? Well pretty easy. You just buy extra sets of linen, right? Your housekeeper shows up. They put all the new linens on the property and then you don’t have that Rush going on. If there’s not another guest check in and then they can still get the laundry done and leave the fresh ones there. And that can be a really good option for both you. But if you’re short-term rental or your short-term rentals just have too much laundry. Then we have to look at other options and so that brings me to our second option, which is doing our laundry off-site. If you missed our episode on Linens, you should definitely go back and check that out. It’s episode 167. We’ve learned a lot managing tens of thousands of guests. We learned a lot about Linens, so I have all my best tips and tricks and that episode. We also kind of debunk, the myth around thread counts. I know you’ve seen, turns out there that say they’re 1200 thread, count or fifteen hundred thread count, and they’re on Amazon for $39 that just doesn’t add up. So, we talk about thread count and really the max thread count that any of us need in our properties. Go back and check out episode 167 if you haven’t already. So, if your housekeeper doesn’t have the ability to do all the Linens in your short-term rental, then they’ve got to go off-site, right? They can do it at all, which could be a good solution. But the reality is these machines, we have at home residential laundry machines. They’re not built to be doing tons and tons of pounds of laundry day in and day out. So, a good second option can be to go to a laundromat to Outsource to a laundromat to. And so, there’s a few ways to do this, some laundromats offer, what they call a wash and fold service, where you can simply drop off all your Linens or your housekeeper. Could drop off all the Linens I whatever laundromat you guys decide on and that laundromat can do all the service for you, they usually charge per pound.

The other option is to have your housekeeper, or maybe the housekeeping company. You’re working with actually do the laundry there in the laundromat and most laundromats these days have some really large machines, 80-hundred-pound machines and it’s more efficient. It’s less wear and tear on the machines in the property. And it actually does a better job of cleaning the Linens to these machines are built for commercial use so they can run hotter temperatures. They can Your stronger chemicals. They just do a better job of cleaning, so that’s a second option. Your housekeeper, or the housekeeping company, or working with, can be dropping off the Linens at a laundromat and either laundromats doing them or they’re doing them as well and just bringing them back with them the next time, they’re at the property. So, if you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while then you probably know I mentioned a few times and I went out and purchased a commercial property with plans and turn it into a laundromat. Actually, learned so much about laundromats. I think there are Fascinating investment, and they can make a lot of sense. There are real estate play but it can also really help us with our short-term rental portfolio. So, that’s sort of the natural progression for a lot of people that are building, big short-term rental portfolios, if they’re not Outsourcing everything, so I didn’t actually turn that property and do full public laundromat, but I did end up buying for industrial-sized machines and these things are, like tanks. I mean, they literally they brought them in on forklifts, they’re bolted to the ground because if not they’ll just spin out of control and they do a lot of laundry and they do it really quickly. So, I know not everyone needs that or has its option, but we do have a lot of experience with the laundry and going to a laundromat can be the next best thing. If laundry become a bottleneck for you.

There’s also another service that’s really becoming more popular now, and that’s a pickup and delivery service. So, I learned a lot about this too. When I was doing the research for the property and I’m thinking about opening a laundromat, a pickup and delivery service is basically a company that goes around on regular schedules. Picks up your Linens, washes them and brings them back and I’ve worked with companies doing this as well. I would say that it was very expensive and the particular company that I was working with wasn’t very consistent. And so, we took it in-house and we started doing our own and we have much cleaner consistent Linens all of the time but this is worth Earth looking into because, especially in every Big City, there are a lot of these services around. These are the same Services. A lot of hotels. Use a lot of hotels, Outsource their laundry and linens to. So, if laundry is a bit of a bottleneck for you, I encourage you to just do a quick Google search. See if there’s any pickup and delivery options available for you and you might find that they’re more reasonable than the one that I worked with one of the other benefits to using a laundromat as well or to doing your Linens Off-site is that you can soak any soiled Linens. So, what do I mean by this? If you have a big stain and a linen and you don’t have time to wash that in the property, or maybe your housekeeping companies, just thrown it out, knowing that it’s stained. If someone’s doing it off site, you can soak those overnight. You can use some high concentrate bleach that you can order off amazon.com and then wash that Linen in a commercial machine. A lot of times you can recover those Linens that you thought that were damaged. Now, if the linens are actually damaged, I would definitely recommend filing a resolution. If you happen to be on Airbnb or if you’re working on one of the other OTAs, we should be charging for these things. If someone’s ruined Lenin’s, maybe not a little hand towel here or washcloth there, but if someone’s actually ruining your Linen’s, it’s totally understandable and reasonable to be charging for those. So, I encourage you to do that if you’re not doing that already.

Okay. So those are the laundry options in a nutshell, if just getting started. You have one short-term rental and it’s not a huge massive home then laundry is probably not that big of an issue for you, but I know that you’re going to have stained Linens from time to time and so maybe you can try some of these other things to recover, some of those Linens and take them every once in a while to a off-site laundromat. If your properties too big to be doing Linens on-site. Well, we definitely want to make sure that we always have fresh copies of Linens For housekeepers has to change, right? So that they can show up and there’s no risk and not having Linens for our next guest, but the second option is for your housekeepers, or the company you’re working with, to do the Linens off-site to do all the laundry off-site, and there’s several ways to do that. So, they can drop off the lens and use what’s called a wash and fold service. They can actually do it themselves in the property or you might want to do a quick Google search to see if there’s a pickup and delivery service in your neighborhood, in your city. That’s offering this service. This as well.

And for those of you out there that are really scaling your portfolio, or you have a lot of properties in the same area, it’s a natural progression. If you’re doing housekeeping in house, that you are probably going to want to invest in some sort of industrial commercial machines because they do a better job washing, they do more at the same time it’s more efficient. They save a ton of water actually. So, I guess it’s better for the environment as well, they dry your lettuce and so so quickly, I mentioned that a lot of law. Laundromats will actually allow you use their dryers for free, because the washers spin the Linens, so quickly that they basically ring out all of the water, requiring hardly any dry time. The bigger machines also allow you to run at hotter temperatures and use different and stronger chemicals. So, these are kind of the laundry options. Hopefully it hasn’t been a huge challenge for you, but it’s some point in your STR Journey, your operations have to change a little bit to handle the workload so I can Hope I gave you a little bit of insight and until next time I hope you have a wonderful week.

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