Episode 95: Make Your Guest Comfortable


How to build an Airbnb business: Make Your Guest Comfortable

When are your guests most uncomfortable? I’ll save you the run around and just tell you; when they arrive. They don’t know your rental. They may have been travelling for a long time. They may be wondering if they’re even at the right property. They may be seeing a neighbor and wondering what the neighbor is thinking of them. So many unknowns (unless your check in instructions are stellar)… Ok now, with that said…

When are they even more uncomfortable? When they are doing and thinking all of this in the dark! Lighting is crucial. The good news is, there are so many great options out there these days and we are going to discuss a few and also the areas where it’s MOST IMPORTANT to make sure you get the lighting right.

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In the short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick actionable items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rental riches podcast happier here again as always another week another topic relevant to your short term rentals and your real estate and this week I’m gonna start off by asking you a couple questions when are your gas most uncomfortable and the second question is what is the most underrated design element or often overlooked element of our designs for short term rentals these things are both related. All right I’ll just give it to a stop in around the bush here it is our light enough lighting is super duper important and it’s actually really easy to incorporate and improve these days are so many things so that’s what I want to talk about this week because it makes such a big impact a lot of bang for our Buck and it also changes the way we feel when we stay in short term rentals it changes our mood you know how it feels to be in a doctor’s office and have that super bright white light just beaming down on U. verse is sitting in a cozy chair next to a lamp with some nice warm tones reflecting off the walls very very different I’ve kind of jumped way too far into I wouldn’t say way too far but I’ve learned quite a bit and I want to share that with you guys this week so let’s just go ahead and jump right into it I want to start off by talking about the most important spaces where you should be spending the most amount of time on your lighting or we should be thinking about your line in the most and this also has to do with when our guests are most uncomfortable and they’re most uncomfortable when they’re first showing up to our property but they’re even more uncomfortable if they’re showing up to it at night in the dark so I would say that the number one most important place for lighting is our exterior lighting or entryway lighting especially if you’re in an area that’s near other properties and someone not exactly sure which apartment they’re going into war Stanek complex of some sort then lighting super super important or if it’s in a nice neighborhood in the entryway isn’t the front door or something maybe it’s a guest house in the back you want to have super good lighting so that’s what our guests are most uncomfortable and it’s also because this the first time being there you know they maybe were traveling for a long time to. So they’re tired and maybe they see a neighbor next door and wondered what the neighbors think an album or whatever it is this is when there most uncomfortable until the moment they step in that door and they realize they have the right door code they have bright everything course the better your check in instructions the more of this discomfort you can alleviate so we’ve got lots of podcasts on how we can do that but we’re gonna stick to light in this time so that’s I would say one of the most important areas is our exterior lighting you can improve this just by adding some dust Saddam lights the lights to come on and what is R. C. a dark and they go off automatically when the sun comes back out great invention and they’re very easy to add if you already have an existing light fixture will you can replace one they’re not expensive again I’m at home depot you know mellows yeah my family’s on in if you don’t want to go to the trouble of changing your light fixture well then you could just change the bold yeah they sell dusk to dawn light bulbs that’s super easy just take the ball well boom pop the new one in and you’re good to go of course you want to make sure that the power for that light is always on because if you have a gas that turns it off well then it’s not gonna come on even when it turns dusk so they do have some things that you can put over light switches so you don’t turn him off you can also just leave a little note on a light switch it says please leave us on all the time. Hey Hey just want to ask you guys real quick favor if you haven’t already left this review if you wouldn’t mind heading over to iTunes or Spotify wherever you’re listening to the podcast and just leave us a quick review we really really appreciate it and if you know someone that you think would find value in any of the episodes that you’ve listened to you could just take a screen shot send it over to that’ll help them but it’s also going to help us grow a little bit too and lastly we’re on YouTube so if you prefer you to you can head over to short term rental riches and you can find us there as well thanks for listening in and thanks for all your great feedback. Let’s jump back in. So I would say that’s 1 of the most important areas for light and the other is our living area and our bedrooms and it’s super easy to change the lighting of course we can just do this with a light bulbs we can change the color I really recommend using a warm toned Leipold not daylight not that the super bright office you looking 1 3000 K. I think it’s 3000 Kelvin is the lighting system that they use so look for those with a warm bowl 3000 K. now better than that is having it on a dimmer endeavors are super easy to add these days to their inexpensive 1520 Bucks can have your local handyman swap amount going to make a huge difference that way your guests can control the light if they want really important in the bedroom really important in the living room it sets the mood right if it’s too bright we’re trying to have an intimate dinner or something like that and there’s too much light on the just just not as good in this is such an easy easy thing to do so our living area in our exterior lights those are super important also on the exterior forgot to mention this but you can get those low voltage landscape lighting systems that plug into the wall you can get them on Amazon for a few 0 Bucks literally anyone can do it you plug into the wall they also can come with a dusk to dawn sensor and that really helps for a few 0 Bucks they impact that makes shining on your landscaping shining on your trees I really gives it a great feel so there’s lots of options for updating or lighting we’ve got tons of smart bowls I don’t even want to attempt to list the mall because there’s so many of these days but I can say that I’ve used personally the Philips hue bulbs and I love them they are so awesome they have a great range of color and brightness the spectrum of color with the Philips hue ball. This is incredible I use them all the time and there’s some really cool things that come with them so if you’re not familiar with the Philips hue bulbs they’ve got an all your local home depots and Lowe’s and Amazon and they’re not super cheap but you gotta remember they are LED bulbs so they’re gonna last a really long time and they make a huge impact so some of the cool accessories that come with Philips hue bulbs are wireless dimmers so if you didn’t want to install a new Demery you can simply change a light bulb in one of your fixtures and a lamp in a pendant light hanging over your kitchen you can change it to a Philips hue bulb and put a wireless dimmer on the wall that will allow you or your guests a damn delight so really cool they also sell like sensors and sky’s the limit you can set all this up but thing I like about it is that you can turn them on remotely so you can also set schedules for exterior lights to come on in all types of things so check them out lighting is so important it really is and I feel like a lot of rentals I stand they just drop the ball when it comes to lighting it’s so easy to change a few 0 extra dollars can make a huge impact to your short term rental which is going to make a huge impact to how they feel in your space and of course as can lead them to give you a better review so review your lighting if you haven’t recently check out some YouTube videos on some of the latest smart light technology most of it’s readily available and it makes a huge impact remember these lights that you’re changing their LED they last for years so it’s not something that you’re going to have to do very often so take a look at that let’s spice up our rentals a little bit of for lacking in this area and until next time. A full day. There’s so much money to be made the short term rentals but it all starts by having the right property if you guys haven’t yet seen my free ebook on our website rest methods.com head over there and get a copy it’s going to break down what I look for in a property in some great short cuts so that you don’t have to spend hours and hours researching at over rest methods.com and you can grab your free copy there if you want a crash course in everything I’ve really learned to short term rentals in over 5 years managing over 15000 Gasol recorded on our last live event I am happy to say we broke it down really nicely into a bunch of different modules that you can watch at your own pace it takes you from start to finish from finding a property we talk about analyzing the property but then also some of the more important pieces how to find your team and how to set up everything so that you can run your operation is passively as possible and free up your time you can find that it rests methods.com forward slash virtual.



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