Episode 64: The Mandatory One Page Printout (All Your STR’s Should Have)


How to build an Airbnb business: The Mandatory One Page Printout (All Your STR’s Should Have)

Our guests have the best experience when their questions are answered before they even ask them. There are many ways to do this, lots of which we have discussed in prior episodes like guidebooks and automated messages, but there is a third piece that’s super simple to implement. A third piece that is often more helpful for our older guests that shy away from technology and digital apps. This week we’re talking about old school guidebooks. Yes, printed versions. Should we have one in our rental? What should it consist of?

This week we’ll break down exactly how I do mine and will include:

  • Why I only do one page
  • What information exactly do we include on it
  • Where to physically place them in your rentals

Check out our episode #31 on digital guidebooks

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In the short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick action items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rental riches podcast we’ve got a another topic as always this week it’s something I’ve been using it and all of my properties since the beginning to help answer guest questions and that really is the key to everything we want to answer guest questions really before they even have them we want them to have the best experience possible and so to do that to help with that I’ve got this one page document that I put in every single property and this week I want to share with you exactly what I have in it and why I think you should have one as well so let’s jump right in so it’s basically a one page document and this is a physically printed document we’re not talking about a digital guide book which I highly highly recommend you have if you haven’t yet go back and check out our podcast on digital guidebooks but this is a physical paper that I think you should have in your rental with some super super important information now why is it only one page it’s not because I’m super lazy but really it’s just because we don’t want to overwhelm someone with a bunch information written down in the apartment or in a rental or in our vacation rental and honestly if you’ve been doing this for a while you probably know the lot of people don’t read too much anyways they look at the photos so I think by having a one page document double sided actually or printed out it side by side it adds valuable information without overwhelming someone and also the more properties you add if you need to edit something on there or something changes then you got to go back and edit all of them it’s kind of a lot of work so I just keep it nice and simple I want to share with you what I’ve got on there so it’s a one page but. It is front to back or printed out side by side so on one side I have information for the guests I have the address now people can find this on Airbnb they can find it on your guide book they can find it on whatever OTA or website they used a book but it’s nice to have just a real quick reference if they’re ordering food are the ordering an uber and so they don’t have to go back and find it again I have the internet access instructions right on there in bold you can’t miss it you know sometimes people will print this out separately and even frame it and put on the walls were I think that’s a great idea to you just want to make sure that they have easy access to that that’ll be in your guidebook as well we did talk in the past about having the same password for all your properties if you have a lot of properties by using the same username password if the guests have stayed with you before even if I was at a different property they’re gonna log in automatically so it saves them a step so make sure you’re doing that if you’ve got multiple properties and you have the ability to change your username password we have TV’s and all our units and real quick instructions on how to use that we also have a little note in there that says we don’t have cable because we don’t have cable television name or any of our rentals but we do have you to AC and heat instructions where’s the thermostat located and how do you use it if it’s a complicated one now again this is like a really basic sheet that we put in the apartment so we’re trying to keep the tax down really small as we can so we can fit all this on one page we also have our house rules on their or at least our most important ones that if you’re using the digital guidebook that we recommend they’ve already agreed to those they’ve also already agreed to home on Airbnb if that’s a platform that they’re using so this is like the third place that they’re seeing them it’s just another friendly reminder now we have a contact on their who they can reach we have a business phone line that we put down they can go to multiple people but if you have someone. Local whoever it is that they need to reach it’s nice to have that for them there too now this is probably gonna get used more buyer older gas you know that maybe don’t like using the apps and all that and I’ll tell you where we put these by the way too so that people just don’t miss them when they go into rentals so we’ve got our contacts on there getting around I just put you know call over we have were available or lift and all of the areas were at so but sometimes you know there’s like a trolley into the downtown places were at so what we’ve got a few notes on that too if there’s some other form of transportation you may want to put something about the airport in there but I don’t think that’s really necessary and then also laundry trash if there’s laundry in the unit where it’s located if there’s trash cans outside where they are for guest wants to use them so that’s all real basic and again I’ve cut that tax down really short so it’s just nice it’s short sweet. Where intermission thank you so much for listen in the podcast it’s been fun for me and I look forward to getting up so it’s out if you have a specific topic that you’d like us to talk about send us a comment and let us know you can send it to contact at rest methods.com and if you haven’t already subscribed and given us a review that would be greatly appreciated too and lastly if you know someone that you think would find benefit in this as well send it on over to help us keep growing and help us to get amazing content back to you without further ado let’s jump back into. Now there’s a little note at the bottom that says turn this page over if you’ve printed out a one page double sided or some of our properties we’ve got it right on the wall when they enter through the entry door and so we’ve got side by side printed out and on the back or my top recommendations so again they’re going to have this in their guide but they’re gonna have it on Airbnb if you’ve already done it but this is just one more place to make sure that our guests have access to all the info that they need but you can also add a little bit of a personal touch here and we get lots reviews people said I love the restaurant you recommended a lot of the cafe recommended so let me just break that backside down of this one page document or double sided document. So at the top I’ve got the closest places to them that I think they may want to go do it says these are walking distance less than one mile most my properties are near a lot of of entertainment grocery stores and things like that now if you’re in a vacation places a little further away you can still have that same section the nearest recommendations but just put in parentheses next to the name each one either the miles or at the time it takes to get their number 5 minutes away 3 minutes away 1.2 miles or walking distance and now this top section this back pages basically broke into like 3 sections the top one has my favorite places but just the name really L. and it also says Google it to find the address and also to make sure that it’s still open or their hours so below that heading it’s basically just boom boom boom boom a bunch of different bullets with the distance or time and the name so they can check it out for themselves but also include their grocery store also include their pharmacy so that’s the top section the middle section of this back of the page are my top 3 cafe recommendations I love working in cafes you know I’m like a digital nomad do tonight I like going to nice cafe that is good internet it’s got a good vibe it’s got good coffee so I’ve got just my top 3 cafes but I also put a little blurb in there about him you know I like this one because of the funky at the core or you know I like this one because their coffees amazing or they have this amazing Scone or something you know just put a little you can put a bit of a personal touch in there and then I do put the full address there and the time it takes to get there so those 3 recommendations have a little more detail than that top section and then lastly at the bottom I have my top 3 recommendations in the whole city or in the whole area where my rental. Zorn sis is different for each city obviously but same thing I’ve got the name in there I’ve got the address and how far away it is but then a little sentence of why I love that restaurant maybe something like. These are the best tacos you’ll ever have tried their Margarita the one with this or that you know something that gives a little personal touch it really astonishes me how how many reviews we get back that people say oh I love your recommendation there and I know not everyone’s using our digital guidebook so the only other place that they could be getting that is here or on Airbnb ease guide book but I I know a lot of people actually see this in a lot of it is are kind of older gas probably but you can’t miss these because we put these right in the entrance so when you walk through the front door we’ve got side by side on the wall laminated so people spell on it or anything like that and you can’t miss it if you can add a little bit of color on there and just kind of dress it up so it’s not the stay all black and white document that’s gonna help a little bit you might consider putting on like a coffee table or where maybe leave a garage remote or somewhere else just somewhere where they’re not going to miss it and it really it really does help it’s just one extra step to make sure our guests have the best experience they have the most information available to him and another way to add a little bit of a personal touch so if you don’t have something like this in your rental already highly suggest just breaking down this double sided page I don’t think the giant guidebooks are necessary anymore they’re kind of hard to keep up to date they get spills on I’m in their dirty and especially with cove it you know you can’t really clean up so not saying it’s a bad idea to have one it’s just a little more and to keep track of so in my experience these work just fine alongside the digital guidebook so if you don’t have one check it out and until next time I hope you guys have a wonderful day as always. So we just had our live virtual fan and I gotta say it was a blast as always we done to live events before and this was basically a replica except for we got to attend from the comfort of our own homes and the beautiful thing about doing a weapon or is it was easy to record so if you missed it jump over to rest methods.com forward slash virtual and you can get your copy we jam packed it full to the brim everything that I’ve found to be the most important setting up your short term rentals and making sure you’re earning maximum revenue and highest occupancy but all while not giving up all of your time in creating passive systems so I give you all my resources we go over my actual properties case studies with pre and post code numbers and in my outlook in the future I think there’s a ton of opportunity so if you guys are just getting started or you have several properties already there’s no need to reinvent the wheel get all my tips and tricks things that I’ve learned and save yourself the headache and frustration just head over to rest message star forward slash virtual I know you’ll find a ton of value in it enjoy.



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If you are planning on acquiring property to operate as a short-term rental (Airbnb) there are a number of additional due diligence items you will not want to overlook.

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