Episode 114: Why are we doing this

How to build an Airbnb Business: Why are we doing this? (Real Estate Business)

I consider myself to be very fortunate. Not only because of the real estate portfolio or the wealth I’ve acquired, the freedom I’ve earned, the amazing team I work with, or because of my circle of friends around the world I can look to and lean on in a moment’s notice.

Those are all fantastic things to have in life but that’s not the main reason I consider myself to be so fortunate. I don’t believe my life would be the way it is today had I not first discovered my “why.” My driving force you could say. My motivation for doing what I do. The reason I decided to get into real estate in the first place.

And that was the freedom to explore this great big world when and how I wanted to. To have flexibility with my life and the direction I want to take it. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to travel at an early age and discover that every place is different and then shortly after discovered that real estate was the most historically proven asset class in history and could be acquired and managed passively. I found my way and I found the avenue to get me their (real estate).

All that to say… I don’t believe I would have achieved the success I have thus far without first discovering that “why.” So this week we’re going to delve into that subject. Do you know why you are listening to this podcast? Why are you interested in real estate? What is it that you truly want?

  • How we get “stuck”
  • Breaking the habit of being ourselves
  • Discovering our “Why”
  • Is it really possible
  • Our new real estate world (environment)


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In the short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick actionable items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rental riches podcast I’m truly happy and excited that you are back for another week this week we’re talking about maybe one of the most important pieces of our real estate journey and it’s not actually the real estate itself to jump to the point it’s the why behind why we’re trying to acquire this real estate what is it that we really want so this is a super super important question and I know a lot of people get into real estate because it is the most historically proven asset class it’s created more wealthy people than any other asset and it’s something that we can do pass of the rights of people get into real estate for the money but if we don’t have something driving us or something motivating us then we might not stick with it that long we might give up we might get intimidated whatever it is so I feel very very fortunate. To have discovered my why a long time ago if he hasn’t gone back if you’ve listened since beginning this podcast I started the first episode off with just a little bio about myself but essentially in a nutshell my why I was I was really lucky to be able to travel outside of the US when I was younger of 16 and I lived with the family for short summer and it totally changed my mindset and I realize that I wanted to be able to always change my mind said it always change the way I thought about things and the things I got to experience I wanted that freedom and so I found real estate shortly after and that has been what’s allowed me to travel wherever I want and so I I don’t talk a whole bunch about this lifestyle but we have it easier than we’ve ever had so I want to break it down this week and first just start with this topic of do we know our why so for me I I discovered that early on and and I feel really fortunate and I am sure I am positive that is the reason I’ve been able to grow my portfolio of real estate as I have and also it’s the reason I’ve made connections around the world in all all kinds of cool things that have that have happened because I had something motivating me in the background and and I want you guys to build a discover this and live the life you really want to sell I read a book recently called breaking the habit of being ourselves it’s by Dr Joe dispenser and I want to just touch on a couple little things because I know a lot of us we get in our routines and things that don’t change enough for not changing things and we’re not changing our perspectives and we haven’t already discovered what are why is then we might never discover what it is right so we can kind of get stock and I don’t think that’s a really good place to be especially if you’re doing something that you don’t. Really want to do and I think that’s the reason a lot of people listen this podcast and a lot of people get into real estate so they can break out of whatever that is so I want to read just a couple quotes from Joe dispenses book just to start this off. The first one here quite simply our routine known thoughts and feelings perpetuate the same state of beam sensually who we are which creates the same behaviors and creates the same reality creates the same realities that things are going change so if we want to change some aspect of our reality we have to think feel and act in new ways we have to be different in terms of our responses to experiences we have to become someone else we have to create a new state of mind we need to observe a new outcome with that new mind so essentially you know it’s like the definition of insanity right if we keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different results that is the definition of insanity I’m sure you guys heard that a lot of times and then Joe dispenses book breaking the habit of being yourself he pretty much says that by the time were maybe 35 most of the ideas and the ways that we think about life R. RT programs in our mind we’ve been doing the same thing sub consciously for so long now that it’s hard for us to think about things differently it’s hard for us discover motivation if we are doing the same things all the time so I have just a real dumb like small example just illustrate this but what if what if you’re eating vanilla ice cream every day you really use somewhat enjoyed vanilla ice cream it wasn’t like super delicious you know but it was okay and you’re eating it all the time because you didn’t know that chocolate ice cream existed and then one day you travel to a new town or friend came to visit they brought you chocolate ice cream and you try to for the first time and you said oh my gosh this is twice as good as vanilla ice cream or this is the best thing that I’ve ever had well hopefully one regret all the time eating vanilla ice cream but hopefully that allows you to think about things differently and like we don’t. No what we like and till we experience it and for doing the same thing all the time we’re not having new experiences and we’re not going to discover that so I think it’s super important to talk to new people to do things differently to switch things up for me that was traveling because everything about traveling essentially different right I’m super fortunate now to be able to live in some of my favorite places in the world but I have traveled over 70 countries and I’ve spent time in hundreds of cities lots of them I revisited I well I love the way Colombians say goodbye like 4 times in 4 different ways you know I love how the people down here Brazil say magazine not that like you’re welcome but like don’t even mention it like there’s just little or the way that they drive around here they give the thumbs up when they want someone a passer if there’s just little things that. Can really add a lot of happiness to your life but if we don’t get out and explore different things or at least look at things differently than we might not experiences so I just wanted to bring this up this week if you don’t already have your why behind what you’re doing if you can break things up a little bit read new books talk with new people join new groups do things just slightly differently you might get some more motivation to it to help you along your real estate journey so I think that books really good breaking the habit of being yourself leave the the show notes we’ll leave a link for that book in their eye and hopefully that helps you to break out of your routine a little bit to discover why so you you can live however you want to live so a lot of you’ve probably read or heard about him versus 4 hour work week book you know working for hours in a week and he had in that book the same he called the new rich and that wasn’t. Well being really wealthy it was people taking advantage of different currencies in taking advantage of remote work for example which we now have at our fingertips and we can do easier than we ever could before so if you want to get out of the rat race if you’re still in it you’re still working the same job first we got to come up with a plan but that plan’s going to be a lot easier to achieve if we have some sort of motivation behind this now I know a lot of you are probably saying you’re probably thinking Tim this is much easier said than done I have 3 kids I have all these bills to take care of and yes it is more difficult for some people than others but we all have the same amount of time in a day right first we need to make a plan and then we need to make the time to achieve that planned so I know it’s more difficult for some people than others but the beautiful thing about real estate and the beautiful thing about short term rentals specifically and that’s why I started this podcast because I’m so excited about I was 2 years ago and I still am now it is the easiest way I’ve found to leave the rat race through real estate you can literally free up your income and retire you know this of course depends on your bills your expenses but really with as little as one property I’ve seen it a bunch of times I’ve done it and I know that it’s possible and so that’s why I really like short term rentals I like real estate in general but having this why and having that motivation behind everything is what’s going to alternately get us to the goals that we want to achieve so I’d encourage any of you out there I know this was sort of a an off topic rants but it’s so doable now it really is we have more opportunity I would say if you have access to the internet. Then you can make it happen we we have the world at our fingertips we can learn whatever we want now and I think short term rentals is an excellent excellent in one of the quickest ways to achieve this so stay tuned working out more episodes come in and check out some of the past ones but I think we have so much opportunity right now and I challenge you if you’re not enjoying your day to day if you want to get out and explore the world there you want to do something differently than they make a plan. Find the time. And take some action and hopefully you discover your why if you haven’t already and it motivates you to get to where you want to be much sooner than you think you could we often overestimate what we can do in a year but we really underestimate what we can do in 3 years I think that was a Jim Rohn quotes that would set a lot but I totally believe it and so I challenge you if you’re not where you want to be right now you haven’t got your first short term rental yet stick with it it’s an easy way to leave the rat race and I hope soon you are living the life that you want if you’re not already so thanks for joining and again and until next week have a wonderful day and a wonderful week. We’ll see you next. There’s so much money to be made the short term rentals but it all starts by having the right property if you guys haven’t yet seen my free ebook on our website rest methods.com head over there and get a copy it’s going to break down what I look for in a property in some great short cuts so that you don’t have to spend hours and hours researching at over rest methods.com and you can grab your free copy there if you want a crash course in everything I’ve really learned to short term rentals in over 5 years managing over 15000 Gasol recorded on our last live event I am happy to say we broke it down really nicely into a bunch of different modules that you can watch at your own pace it takes you from start to finish from finding a property we talk about analyzing the property but then also some of the more important pieces how to find your team and how to set up everything so that you can run your operation is passively as possible and free up your time you can find that it rests methods.com forward slash virtual.



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