Episode 73: Remembrances of Other People? Ditch Them!


How to build an Airbnb business: Remembrances of Other People? Ditch Them!

If you’ve stayed in enough short-term rentals you’ve probably seen it. The photo of the owner in your living room space, a leftover jar of mayonnaise in the fridge, a dirty sponge under the sink, or god forbid – a used bar of soap in the bathroom! Remembrances of last guests or owners come in many forms but they have one thing in common; they should not be in our rentals! You rented the space to have privacy and perhaps a peaceful getaway, the last thing you want is an image of the prior guest or owner in “hypothetically” encumbering your space. Let’s dive a bit deeper this week:

  • Leftover food, should you keep ANY of it?
  • Bathrooms are most important
  • Pictures of family & Personal Items
  • Locked cabinets and spaces

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If you traveled and stayed in a short-term rentals there’s one little thing that you might find in some of the older Reynolds or maybe some of the rentals that have newer managers or owners kind of a remembrance of someone that used to be there or an old owner and it’s something we don’t want in our rentals at all so that’s what we’re gonna talk about this week all the little references and the ones we need to make sure our not our rentals stay tuned.

Welcome to short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick action items to wire. Scale your port. I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rental richest podcast how’s everyone doing it seems in the US anyways that travels picking up I think people are a little more comfortable now. Maybe traveling because a lot of people are getting vaccinations fortunately for the U. S. a lot of those are available I’m still down here in Brazil they don’t have any of that yet it’s coming later this year so hopefully fingers cross we are going to see the benefit of all this pent up demand for travel because you know as well as I do that people have been bottled up them in quarantine and I want to get out and travel so now is the time to get your rentals started this week I wanted to talk about something that I find from time to time when I’m staying in short term rentals I still travel lots were still saying a lot of short term rentals and it’s what allows me I believe to make sure that my rentals are always professional and staying above ahead of the competition one thing that I notice our little references of other people that either stayed in the rental you’re running or maybe it’s from an owner or maybe it’s some sort of food or spices that are left behind all of these little things change our experience from or staying in a rental we want to create a space where our guests can have their own experiences and not be thinking about these other little references of other people owners anything like that we want them to have a fresh clean experience so I want to talk about some of the common things this week that people leave and they’re Runnels and things you might not think of but there can really have an impact on someone’s experience so let’s jump in I think probably the most common one or our food items now we know we don’t want to leave half baked chicken in the fridge or anything that’s been partially eaten that’s pretty obvious but a lot of times you might find condiments in the fridge you might find a jar of mayonnaise or tube of man is and who knows how long that’s been in there so. Let’s just get rid of these things what we don’t want anything in our rentals that lets our new gas think of a prior gas or the owner one of fresh clean experience for all of our guests so ditch the condiments now your housekeepers might be the benefit of this you know a lot of times when we’re traveling we buy more food than we need we buy more alcohol and beer and things like that that we need to so you know if it’s something on use your housekeepers might be coming up you know so make sure we don’t have any food items now there are a few that I keep in my rentals salt pepper pretty basic we don’t have people sticking their hands in the tiny little soldier or stuff like that so salt pepper and all of well I like to keep it in all my rentals and maybe some dry spices but other than that ditch all the food so that’s a pretty common one another thing I see and Runnels that’s probably less common this is probably more for the new property manager starting out of the new owner with their vacation rental is that they leave personal items in the rentals this could be pictures picture frames souvenirs and collections of of things from prior travels and stuff like that now some of this is O. K. but we don’t want anything that makes our guests think of the actual owner or an actual person so photos definitely not you gotta ditch those personal items of any sort really you need to be detached and if this is a property that you use as a vacation rental well then just make sure that those items are locked up in a space where your guests are going to see them or they can’t access them at all and preferred Lee that locked cabinet or space is really outside of the rental because when a guest checks into property they open every drawer and cupboard especially if it’s a smaller space people are curious we want to know. What we have in our new rentals we open everything if you have personal items in there well then we’re thinking about those right away they could be positive things but a lot of times were just thinking about someone else in our space that was using the bedroom that was used in the living room sleeping on the couch or laying on the couch using the remote so we we want to eliminate those thoughts from our new gas coming in so it’s just fresh and clean so those are 2 big ones left over food items and left over personal belongings this next third category has to do with the bathrooms so sometimes you might see a sponge under the sink whether it’s for cleaning or whatever it is it looks to use you got a ditch it you got to get rid of it especially now with cove and all this stuff going on we don’t want to see anything that we think someone else may be touch that hasn’t been sanitized so you got old sponges old cleaning rags old whatever it is just get it out there and put some fresh ones in now hopefully god for bid you show up to a rental and there’s a used bar has so I’ve stayed in all sorts of Runnels a stale all schools and stuff like that and you see those from time to time it when you’re traveling to other countries you probably see that a little more now than you see in the U. S. because standards of got a little higher but god forbid you find a soap her something like that it’s even comes down to use toilet paper rolls you know if you see used toilet paper roll even if it’s under the sink. People are thinking about that a little bit so I would recommend not having more than one used toilet paper roll under the sink and make sure you know you’ve got the the corners folded like the hotels do I even saw recently in a hotel where I stayed where they actually stamped the folded corners on the toilet paper all I thought was pretty cool touch I just to know that it’s been attended to we don’t want more than one used toilet paper roll under the sink and definitely have a fresh one on the role where wherever it is so this is just some basic tips for today you know they might be real obvious to you but I still see them and run also wanted to point it out to make sure we don’t have any leftover condiments or food items even if you think they can get use and I know we don’t like to waste anything so let’s find a good place for it to go give it your housekeepers or give it to the good will anywhere but let’s not keep use food items around let’s not keep personal items into rentals even if there are vacation rentals if we do let’s make sure we lock them up in a place where gas is going to find him because remember our gas opened everything they’re curious we’re curious as humans and we like to explore so make sure you don’t have too many personal items hanging around that are going to let our new gas think of a prior gas or think of you as the owner and then the third one when it comes to bathrooms and make sure those babies are spotless we don’t want any used enough and definitely no bar soaps used toilet paper rolls if they’re small get rid of them maybe leave one if it’s at least 3 quarters full time you know minimum half full make sure it’s got the folded edge on it nose cleaning sponges nothing like that want to make sure we get rid of it so that when our guests come in and have a nice clean Reynolds I’ll have a nice day nice fresh experience they will be thinking of anything else so until next time. A full day. There’s so much money to be made the short term rentals but it all starts by having the right property if you guys haven’t yet seen my free ebook on our website rest methods.com head over there and get a copy it’s going to break down what I look for in a property in some great short cuts so that you don’t have to spend hours and hours researching at over rest methods.com and you can grab your free copy there if you want a crash course in everything I’ve really learned to short term rentals in over 5 years managing over 15000 Gasol recorded on our last live event and I’m happy to say we broke it down really nicely into a bunch of different modules that you can watch at your own pace it takes you from start to finish from finding a property we talk about analyzing the property but then also some of the more important pieces how to find your team and how to set up everything so that you can run your operation is passively as possible and free up your time you can find that it rests methods.com forward slash virtual.



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