Episode 126: Save Time And Money Furnishing Your Property (new options)

How to build an Airbnb Business: Save Time And Money Furnishing Your Property (new options)

There is quite a lot that goes into furnishing a property and I’m not just talking about the money. It takes some thought. A good design takes work and since it is such a crucial element to the success of your short-term rental you want to make sure you do it right. You may think you have the interior design skills your guests will be seeking out but are you sure?

The first place we like to start is with a floor plan or what you could call our “road map” (see last week’s episode #125). In addition to outsourcing your floor plans, you can easily hire someone on Fiverr or Upwork to help you with the virtual design! Other sites are taking that even one step further… You can now actually order all of the furniture they have recommended from the same exact place where you got your design help! Pretty cool right. And easy.

So this week we’ll talk about a couple of options and break them down:

  • What exactly can these virtual designers do?
  • Where can you find them?
  • How much do they cost?
  • Coordinated order purchases – time
  • Are they actually worth it?


Check out Modsy here and Amazon Showroom here

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Welcome to short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate but with a specific focus on short-term rentals quick actionable items to acquire manage and scale in your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rental riches podcast happy happy happy you’re here again that has always fun doing these podcasts and we do appreciate all the feedback and the reviews if you haven’t left this 1 yet I would really appreciate if you would head over to iTunes or Spotify wherever you’re listening and just leave us real quick 1 I want to jump in today’s episode and talk about getting some additional help furnishing our property now all we first in super important right it’s what our guests see before they make a decision to book our property and so we got to make sure that it is good that we did a good job so there’s tons of resources to learn about interior design now we’ve got you too we’ve got 10 tres there’s another great app called howls that I really like it’s H. O. use easy there’s tons and tons of collapse for interior design but even then even with all of this are you sure that you are the best person for the job well if you’re at all doubtful or you think you could use a little helpful that’s what this week’s episode is about about getting some additional help from virtual designers want to share some websites with you and also where you can order the furniture do it all in the same spot so if you didn’t listen to last week’s episode number 125 jump back and check that 1 out we talked about floor plans why it’s really important have a floor plan for property especially rumor furnishing right this is what the pros use the pros use floor plans we can’t space new furniture out in this space as easily without a floor plan to go back and check that 1 out it won’t take long at all to create a floor plan and you’re going to need. To work with your virtual designers so where do we go from here well if we’re just working with one room for example there’s quite a few places we can go we can go to Fiverr we can go to a port those are places where you can find outsourced work you can send them out floor plan or you can send them pictures of the areas and they can create a floor plan for your space for you and might be slightly different depending on who you’re working with but they can create a 3 D. image of your room with furniture and at virtual furniture that is right we can do all this remotely and you’ll be impressed if you haven’t seen this already I mean you can’t even tell sometimes that that these properties that these are real pictures with real furniture had them it’s pretty crazy I have a property manager that helps me with some my long term rentals and we had one come up for lease and she said Hey I virtually furnish that she sent me a picture I was like wow that’s really cool like that is the same space and that is what it would look like with furniture in there so it’s a great way to help out along your furnishing process and so you can do that on Fiverr or upwork or I’m sure there’s some other signs available if you just search 3 D. staging on line you’re gonna find some options now one that came up that is really cool I think because you can get this 3 D. help but you can also order all of your furniture from the same spot and they don’t mark it up and this is Monty or maybe it’s mode C. I’m not exactly sure how it’s pronounced. But it does look very helpful I haven’t used it personally myself but I’m looking forward to checking it out using that and so they’ve got some great options on there basically you can hire your own interior designer to work with your space virtually for as little as like 150 Bucks at the time of this recording and they can help you design the space with that actual furniture that you’re going to use and then you can order that furniture right through there and they work with over 100 different furniture outlets like way Fareham pottery barn and they don’t mark up the furniture so it’s going to save you time for sure and it can save you a lot of money for working if we want to work with a traditional professional interior designer that can be quite pricey of course we sat budgets for all these things but they have to go out tears bays a lot of times the whole you know maybe want to work with more custom furniture so it can definitely add up of course you set your own budget for things like that but it’s definitely going to take longer right verses sending some pictures sent in or for plant and getting someone online to give you pretty immediate help and professional help so check out Mahdzir Mosey.com and one thing before we jump to the next option just want to remind you that as you’re working with one of these designers remember. This is a short term rental right this is an investment property unless you’re spending a whole bunch of time in it yourself you want to make sure that it’s best designed for your guests for your gas to avatar we talked about that before that’s the person that’s going to be staying in your property so make sure it’s designed for them and not for you if it’s someone coming in for work you want to make sure that you have a work space there for sure and desk maybe even a microphone super fast wifi and maybe a little bit more of a modern type of feel right so make sure you know who’s staying at your property if their families with little kids and you’re very likely gonna have different furniture than you would for a solo business traveler right so remember that when you’re working with one of these professional designers keep that in mind now the next option for shore senior furniture really easily and being able to view sort of a 3 D. type of model is with Amazon show room yeah the big big Amazon they have their own option now now it’s not quite as developed as Mansi where you’re actually going to be working with your own space you know that you’ve up loaded and Monty also has an app that you can use to scan your space as well I believe so but yeah with Amazon you can at least view like a living room for example you can view a bathroom and you can view the furniture and how it’s laid out so maybe have a clock on the wall for example you say I you know I don’t really like how that clock looks with this paint color you can easily change paint colors on there well then you can remove the clock and you can choose from another available option from Amazon and put it on there and you can design the whole space and in order everything at the same time so that makes it pretty easy I used to order a ton of stuff on Amazon I still do but I do like to get a little bit of local kinda slayer going on there you know maybe not tied specifically to low. Local city but something that doesn’t seem brand new like Amazon or ikea just to make it feel a little more cozy so I do like to mix that in maybe 20 percent or so of the furniture so doesn’t feel like you open and I keep a box and and your guests are gonna note to if especially if they stay in and several short term rentals are they stand for terminals often so at checkout Manzi check out Amazon show room check out Fiverr up work if you want to get an idea of a 3 D. space in your property or maybe you’re just thinking about re doing in a space that’s already furnished and like you know what I think it’s time for re do want to get a new couch one change a paint color one do all these things well that’s good to check it out with the 3 D. models take those things into consideration I think we’re just gonna keep having more and more cool tools to be able to manage our properties remotely to do all of these things remotely and get really good information so I’m excited about short term rentals as I have been for a long time I hope your journey is going well and until next time I hope you have a wonderful. Underfoot. I want to get on the fast track to financial freedom for short term rentals what all searching the properties you choir you want to make sure that you acquired the right properties I want to give you my you doctor will show you how to do just that there is no charge to my gift to you for being one of our subscribers just go to restmethods.com that’s R E S T methods.com.



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