Episode 80: Sound In Your Rental and The Consequences


How to build an Airbnb business: Sound In Your Rental and The Consequences!

There are many components that go into ensuring your guests have a great experience but one that may trump them all is sleep! Getting adequate sleep is an essential piece to being a human being and when that gets disrupted then so do our attitudes, our moods, and our experiences. In short, a poor night’s sleep leads to a poor review. And aside from a comfortable bed there are other key ingredients that we need to always be mindful of as a short-term rental operator. This week we will discuss them in more detail:

  • Sound and your space
  • How can we improve it?
  • Preemptive measures
  • Supplemental devices for providing “quiet space”
  • Light and your bedroom

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Can you guys hear that. Do you hear anything. Background noise now silence will silence is what we want but that’s not always what we have in our properties so this week we’re gonna talk about the noise in our rentals and how it affects our gas and what we can do about it stay tuned let’s jump right in.

In the short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick action items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rental riches podcast another week another topic and really important one out one that I’m currently experiencing right now and one of my own properties were talking about noise and I’m in one of our new rentals so I want to talk about noise how it affects our gas and what we can do about it to help make their experience is better so I left Brazil a couple weeks ago and I made it back here to the good old USA and I’m here in Tennessee where a lot of my properties are and I’m excited to be in one of our brand new rentals that we’re just getting ready to launch this is one I actually don’t own and I talked about before and some other podcasts this is my first lease arbitrage property and so I want to come tested out I wanted to see how they look and I gotta say they look fantastic these things are awesome they’ve got so much character learn a fabulous location they have all the amenities we need now in a living working environment we’ve got laundry dishwasher near attractions near entertainment super fast wifi but there’s one thing that we’ve got to work on still and that is noise so we are above a restaurant I don’t know if you guys can hear that at all but there I’m actually above the restaurant right now and there’s some noise the owner didn’t put a lot of thought into the noise proofing unfortunately something I tried to put in our lease that we didn’t actually get in there but all is good we’re working it out it’s just gonna take a little longer than expected so this week I want to talk. Talk about just how important this issue is is having noise and we really need to know our rentals thoroughly so of course we want to stay in them or have someone in our team stay in them so we can pick up on the little things maybe a train passes by every morning or every evening at one in the morning then it and that honks its horn or what what’s it called when the trains do then. Wessel thank you know I’m talking about maybe it’s loud neighbors coming home for an apartment building and the walls are thin it’s an older property and there’s noise travels more easily maybe you’re in the bedroom and the fan makes a little squeaking clunky noise I’m sure you guys have experienced this before in the past we want to eliminate all of these things and if we can’t eliminate all the noise we want to let our guests know so I want to talk this week about the 3 steps that we need to take to make sure that our guests have a great experience when it comes to noise now the first one and this is if we have the luxury of being a property owner or if we have a good agreement with someone that we’re doing a lease arbitrage model with and that is to put in noise proofing so this is really important in apartment buildings and and today most code is going to require you know extra thick walls between apartments for fireproofing and things like that there’s a couple extra steps we can take to put in some noise dampening materials so if we have that luxury of course that’s going to be the number one step is in the construction now if we don’t have that luxury and we’re working with what we have or we don’t have the finances maybe to add in some of these additional soundproofing bangs if noise is an issue now this is probably more of an issue for your your urban area apartment rentals right if you have a vacation rental home out in the country and it’s also included well then it’s probably not going to have to much issue with noise so the first step is in the construction the second step is that we need to set the right expectations with our gas so if we have a property where there’s gonna be noise and there’s nothing that we can do about the construction well then our gas need to know and there’s several ways that we can do that first of all we’re going to put it in our listing description that says. As this property is shared apartment building you may hear your neighbors this property is an older building the sound travels easier through the walls and maybe a newer building. Airbnb also gives us the option to put it right in our listing description actually have a little tag in there now that says potential for noise if you think there’s any potential for noise or you or you stay in your property noticed a little thing that you think might bother gas well then I would check that box and if it turns out you don’t get any negative reviews or negative feedback about noise well then you can always on check it later but we want to set the right expectations up front so make sure that if there is a potential for noise that we’ve notified our gas in every way that we can in our listing and that potential for noise check box in our guide books hopefully we’re sending out a digital guidebook we can put it in there as well so we want to set the right expectations now there’s a third piece of this if we can’t adjust the construction and we’ve already set all the appropriate expectations we can add some supplemental devices I guess you could call men to help with noise they may be in an apartment and what are these you’re asking what are these supplemental devices well 1 could be a white noise machine you know you get the little things on Amazon they’re they’re very inexpensive now coursers different ranges of them but when we E. and these apartments is 10 brand new apartments we have a little noise machine that we got off Amazon was probably like 2030 Bucks I and it’s just an extra option in case someone wants it so complete general rain noises you can play sweet ocean breeze over whatever you know whatever features your noise machine has it’s an extraction for the gas now we can also order your plugs you can get a giant box of these things on Amazon for very very little money and they’re all individually package and just to have the option you know they do this they do this some planes when you have a first class flight you know they give you the high mass they give you the ear plugs. And so we can have these things in our rentals for very very little money they don’t use them that’s fine but at least they have the option so those are 2 things we can do smart TV’s now have the option integrate with you you too or to pull up you too and there’s lots of like white noise YouTube channels that you could just put on as well I was doing this when I was stains were recently was near some traffic and they play all night in the screen goes totally black so that’s kind of a cool one I I use that when I’m traveling to so we have the white noise machines and we have the ear plugs just a couple more options supplemental things we cannot on our rentals just to give it that little extra edge now the third thing we can do we’ve talked about this before and in our house rules and that’s preventing noise from neighboring apartments a for an apartment building we can have a noise monitor so noise aware or using some here call a minute just to make sure that a guest and one of our rentals isn’t affecting the other one so noise is super super important if we don’t get a good night’s sleep well we all know it affects our whole day it affects our mood and that’s gonna factor guest experience and ultimately the review you get at your properties so we have the luxury of being able to improve the construction of our property well then we want to do that for sure if there’s a noise issue if we don’t have that luxury we of course want to make sure they’re always setting the right expectations were notifying gas in every way possible and then the third step we can add some of these supplemental devices now I want to add a bonus to this whole. Sleepin topic which Hassoun noise and and because sleep is just so so important if you can’t get a good night’s sleep well you’re not gonna have a good rental so this little bonus saying super easy just add some blackout curtains in your bedroom if there’s a light coming through that’s gonna affect people’s sleep too you can have blackout curtains from you know 50 to 200 Bucks probably less than one or 2 nights of your short term rental and that way all of your guests are going to have a black space if they want it not everyone needs here pitch black to sleep but for those few guests to do just that it is it’s so easy and it’s gonna make your space better for your gas is gonna make a run on better and they’re gonna be able to sleep better and you’re going to get better reviews and then you’re going to get more properties because they’re gonna make more money and you gonna keep scale and and up up up we go right so just couple quick tips this week I want to share with you guys something that I’m experiencing right now in my own properties so I hope you’re doing well wherever you are out there in the world I’m heading back to Columbia in less than a week super excited I haven’t been there for a few months so hope you guys are doing well and we’ll see you next time take care. There’s so much money to be made the short term rentals but it all starts by having the right property if you guys haven’t yet seen my free ebook on our website rest methods.com head over there and get a copy it’s going to break down what I look for in a property in some great short cuts so that you don’t have to spend hours and hours researching at over rest methods.com and you can grab your free copy there if you want a crash course in everything I’ve really learned to short term rentals in over 5 years managing over 15000 Gasol recorded on our last live event I am happy to say we broke it down really nicely into a bunch of different models that you can watch at your own pace it takes you from start to finish from finding a property we talk about analyzing the property but then also some of the more important pieces how to find your team and how to set up everything so that you can run your operation is passively as possible and free up your time you can find that it rests methods.com forward slash virtual.



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