Episode 50: The Secret to Accomplishing Anything (Special 50th Episode)

How to build an Airbnb business: The Secret to Accomplishing Anything

I can’t believe we’ve hit our 50th episode! We’ve released one episode per week which means it’s almost been a year already! Wow, how time flies. So. for our 50th episode I thought we’d do something special and talk about just that… how time flies and how it either works against us or with us.

I’ll discuss a guiding principle I’ve seen as the foundation behind every successful person I know and the REAL reason I’ve been able to accomplish many of the goals I’ve set and built a large real estate portfolio.

We’ll break it down into four parts centered around the philosophy that big things happen with little decisions and one of the most influential books I’ve ever read, The Slight Edge.

We’ll discuss the building blocks of the little actions we need to take and go into further detail on:

  • What exactly is The Slight Edge?
  • “First we create our habits, then our habits create us”
  • The building blocks of this philosophy
  • How we first become happy and then successful and not the other way around

Don’t miss this episode! It truly is, in a nutshell, the most valuable principle I’ve learned.

02:26 – The Slight Edge book by Jim Olsen
04:48 – Why most don’t take the actions to achieve their plans
06:59 – “Habits” are the building blocks of the slight edge philosophy
10:28 – The subject of happiness
12:14 – Shawn Achor’s 5 tips to happiness
15:23 – My proof happiness is a mindset

Books Referenced:

The Slight Edge by Jim Olsen

The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor

Want to get a crash course in just two days with everything you need to know to find, acquire and operate a short-term rental passively? Good news!

We’ve gone virtual and our next event takes place November 14-15th 2020. For all the details and to save your spot head to: https://restmethods.com/virtual

If you want to learn more about Tim’s journey, email us at resilience@restmethods.com for a free copy of the Amazon Best Selling book Tim co-authored: “Resilience, Turning Your Setback Into a Comeback.” Please make sure your subject line says “Book Copy”

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In the short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick actionable items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Looking back to the short-term rental riches podcast I cannot believe it’s been 50 episodes already with the known one a week which means almost a year has passed time just flies by doesn’t and we turn around any years gone 3 years are gone 10 years are gone and just as time can work with us it can also work against us so I wanted to talk about something special today really a guiding principle you could say guiding philosophy that I’ve been living by 4 years now and it’s really helped me really the Cheever or do anything that I’ve wanted to talk about the slight edge today you may have heard of the book before it’s by Jim Olson it’s a set of principles and guiding philosophy that the little things that we do even though they can seem insignificant they add up to big big fangs so we’re gonna break that down really into kind of 4 pieces one just to talk about the principle in general but to a key component about that which our habits and then the third piece and this to me is like everything really it’s it’s happiness and that is something that we learned and I have a story to tell must prove it to you so we’ll talk about that and then lastly goals will break it in 4 sections and thanks for let me share today I mean I know this isn’t related directly to real estate but it really is in our indirect way and this is been the most important thing that I’ve ever learned I would say after you know going to tons of classes in college and NBA and mentor ships and conferences and traveling around the world like this is the most. It’s important thing I’ve ever learned because it allows us to do whatever we want and so can you if you’re not already doing what you want so let’s break it down let’s jump right in the book the slight edge by Jim Olson is it’s really about doing little actions consistently over time in those actions add up to either our successes or failures he gives an example in the book he starts off he’s at the airport and he’s getting his shoes shined and the woman that’s shining his shoes they begin talking she sets down her romance novel and she’s telling Jim how life’s been difficult she really wants put our daughter through college the they’re struggling financially and struggling to get what they want and Jim mentions the book for the last 5 years that she’s been working as a shoe shiner reading romance novels every day what if she was reading something that actually has helped her something productive something like thinking grow rich from Napoleon hill’s someone who’s compiled their whole life’s lessons into one book what if she was reading those things would she still be in the same spot probably not right she would probably be. Achieving more of what she wanted to achieve and should probably be in a better situation to help out her her family or to help her daughter go to college now this isn’t to say that that things don’t get difficult end times can be challenging because of course they can you know life kind of moves in a wave but the thing is it with we have good habits and we take these little actions each day towards what we want then alternately we achieved those things so I think the shoe shiner example is a great example you know when I hear it makes me think of my. Are the things that I’m doing regularly are they helping me achieve what I wanted chief spending time watching maybe a TV series or watching the news or checking social media every 5 minutes it’s really good to evaluate these things because the slight edge works either in our favor it works against us the daily disciplines we have or mistakes that we have a judgment for repeat those constantly over time they add up to either a lot of good thanks a lot of bad things the reason that a lot of people don’t take the actions or go down the pass to achieve what they want is because while these daily disciplines are easy to do. The really easy not to deal as well and you don’t see any results at first I’ll give you a few examples you know working out if you’re trying to lose weight you don’t see it on day one you know it takes some time eating healthy your finances you don’t you don’t become rich overnight. A lot of people that do you know if we think about lottery winners for example the stats show that the majority of the people that win the Lotto they’re either just as broke or. In worse financial shape after they win the Lotto and why is that it’s because they don’t have the philosophy they didn’t have to take the steps to get where they wanted they got it overnight and so while their bank account may have changed their philosophy towards finances didn’t and that’s the reason sadly the lot of people go back to being in worse financial shape so little things repeated over time that’s how we achieve what we want and it really is a slight edges relentless it it it either works against us or it works with us I’m just gonna read a little quote out of the book he says the right choices and wrong choices you make at the moment we’ll have little or no noticeable impact on how your day goes for you not tomorrow or the next day no applause no cheers no screams no life or death results but it’s exactly those same undramatic seemingly insignificant actions that when compounded over time will dramatically affect how your life turns out and you can think of compound interest you know you’ve heard that the story of a penny a day right you’re given not one penny and that doubles every day for 30 days you have millions of dollars are those the compound effect working here in the back so that is the overall principle so in order to achieve these results in the things we want to kind of the building blocks of this philosophy our habits Dennis Wheatley has an awesome quote your philosophy creates your attitude which creates your actions which creates your results which create your life so the habits are what cause those little actions and John Dryden has it a great quote says we first make our habits and then our habits. Make us boom is not powerful so our appetites are essentially what help us guide us down this philosophy of taking action every day little by little to achieve big results and there some simple tips for for your habits if you have a habit that that you don’t like or that’s not hoping you try replacing it with something right so if if you’re having too many cocktails every night or something like that maybe try soda water with a with lime or something or if you’re watching a TV series that you don’t find productive saves some other TV series that you do find productive so that would you when you log on to YouTube or you log on to Netflix you’re seeing things that might actually benefit you instead of you know maybe just kill a bunch of time. Set reminders put the things that you want and chief in front of you so if you want to exercise leave your gym equipment in front of you or leave your running shoes out in the morning where you have to step over him to get out the door you know put the things in front of you that you want to achieve vision boards are awesome for this or change the background on your desktop to show a picture of a beach house that you want or you know whatever it is I mean put these things in front of you a lot of you prior to the secret it’s on Netflix documentary but about visualizing and I really find that powerful I think it is true it is true I’ve seen it happen so success is a process it’s not a destination we don’t just wind up there one day we we change our habits we change our actions and ultimately we get what we want over time. 9 Tracy says bad habits are easy to form and hard to live with good habits are hard to form but easy to live with Dennis Whaley has a great quote that says you have 2 ways to look at life you can accept the way things are or you can accept the responsibility to change. That’s another good one another good one and all these motivational speakers and self development people all leave some links in the show notes but and just listen a little of them each day and that just totally changes your life 10 minutes Jim Olson in the books slighted she just recommends you know if you just read 10 minutes a day of a book that actually helps your benefits you your life will change drastically in less time than you think so we’ve got the floss V. the little actions over time turn into big things into achievements and things we want the building blocks of those really are our habits and there’s a third piece which goes along with our philosophy in our outlook on life and this is like is she was mind blowing the first time that I read it and saw it from this perspective and that’s the whole subject of happiness and that happiness is really something that we learned or that we practice it’s not like we’re just born unhappy more always unhappy our whole life there is a genetic side to it but the reality is is if we put good friends around us if we put. Positive information around us and positive books and things like that that we become happier we teach ourselves to look at the bright side we can think of life as being half full and so he references Shawn Achor in the book who wrote the happiness advantage all the the the links in the show notes but game changer big time game changer and he talks specifically about this that. We learned how to be happy and he has 5 steps for practicing this and to really becoming happy is a habit looking at the bright side of things is a habit. Where intermission thank you so much for listen in the podcast it’s been fun for me and I look forward to getting up so it’s out if you have a specific topic that you’d like us to talk about send us a comment and let us know you can send it to contact at rest methods.com and if you haven’t already subscribed and given us a review that would be greatly appreciated too and lastly if you know someone that you think would find benefit in this as well send it on over to help us keep growing and help us to get amazing content back to you without further ado let’s jump back into. Let’s go over these 5 tips that Shani corps has for becoming happier. Number one he says each morning write down 3 things that you’re grateful for to keep a journal whether it’s on your phone it written on paper but this is the challenge write down 3 things different each day and this really trains us to focus and find positive things and it can be anything it can be that you like the smell of your coffee in the morning it could be that today you’re going to visit with the family member it could be something from the past yesterday a month ago or a year ago something you did makes you happy today so just search give it a few minutes to think about it’ll become easier and easier as you do it really what we’re doing here for training ourselves to be happier so that’s one thing we can do the next thing is to just journal for a couple minutes about a positive experience you had it can be anything but by journaling and talking about it we almost get to like re live that experience and now these these things are best to do in the morning because it just sets the tone for the whole day so think of 3 things you’re grateful for journal for a couple minutes about a positive experience meditation so taking some time out to to not think about anything basically is what meditation is right and it is a practice and it’s been difficult for me in the past but we get better and better at it like we do with anything that we put the time into so take some time out to meditate he suggests doing a random act of kindness so open the door for someone or telling someone that you like their hairstyle or sending a text message to a friend that you have letting them know that you appreciate them you know whatever it is there’s there’s lots of random things you do only takes a second and then lastly in his list of 5 is exercise exercise thirst the science is there we all. And though it get in some exercise every day 15 minutes I recently started using these bands at home now I want to go to the gym and I think they’re fantastic and it’s easier to have that habit for me because now I have the bands here they’re just sitting out in the living room or the sitting somewhere where I know that they are and it’s requiring way less of my time so to achieve these good habits we wanna like limit the barriers to the habit if you want to eat while buying good food to keep in the fridge and not storing you know bags of popcorn around or you know ice cream or whatever it is so eliminating the barriers to these good habits is good so that’s number 3 and I’ve got I’ve got a personal example of this actually before I read the happiness advantage he has a few other books by the way which are incredible so just look up Shani core read the happiness advantage read the slight edge these 2 books are gonna change your life and Jim also has a whole list of books in the slight edge that are really really good books that will change your life I promise you will change your life my personal experience with just happiness and you know I got I went down a rabbit hole in Sir reading all kinds of positive psychology books after I read the happiness advantage out and and then it dawned on me I I think I’ve kind of always been pretty happy guy but it dawned on me that a long time ago when I was working as a sales person selling door to door cold calling and a lot of times it wasn’t fun you know we got the door shut in your face when they throw your business card in the trash can or they tell you how important you are you know whatever it is what I realize is that I had less opportunity to sell to this person in the future if I thought of them like that so what I did you know I visited a lot of different stores and business owners so many that I didn’t remember all them when I when I showed back up the second time so what I do is I just write a note in my. CRM system in my on my computer and said. John was his guy and check back with them later versus same John was you know a total jerk he cast me out told me to leave and I did this all the time because it was like every day there were people that were just not happy to see you are you didn’t have the time or they’re rude or whatever so I almost like sub consciously trying to myself just to think that everyone is happy person everyone’s good and I I swear that has stuck with me until today and I’m really grateful for that because that is changed my philosophy in my outlook on people I do think that everyone is good inside so you know of course we go through slumps we have bad days we have bad weekends we have trouble with our family we have trouble with our friends and our finances and all of these things but if we can train ourselves to look at the bright side to keep our glass half full instead of half empty it really is a mindset and it’s a different perspective on life and one that I think we should all be living by Albert Schweitzer put it beautifully he said success is not the key to happiness happiness is the key to success I believe it I really do believe that. So that’s my experience with with happiness and just changing your mind set so please pick up that book if you haven’t already he also has a great Ted talk did you can check out it’s like 20 minutes you can find it on YouTube so watch out first if you’re not totally interested in the subject so the fourth piece of this you know we have this philosophy the little things add up to big achievements our habits are what allow us to continue to do the things that are going to add up into big results our outlook on life I think makes it easier to achieve all this and that’s by practicing to be happy and to be more positive about lastly our our goals and our goals are are outlined for life it’s our floor plan it’s it’s what we want to accomplish and Robert Sharma has a great quote he says we can either set your goals and in doing so have your life governed by choice. Or you do nothing. And have your life governed by chance. That’s really how it is think about it. We have goals to set up our life or we have no goals we just let life happen to us. So goals super super important couple other great quotes I just gotta leave you guys with because there’s so many good ones out there but they put things into perspective this one ‘s by les brown says the chief something that you’ve never achieved before you have to be someone that you’ve never been before. So here we are the fiftieth episode a years gone by and I just I just want to share this principle because I I didn’t even realize I mean like we’ve been doing this for a year time just flies and we all know how much happens in a year especially this year you know it’s been it’s been a crazy turbulent one right so little actions over time allow us to achieve what we want to achieve and that is been my guiding philosophy on life and a probably the most important thing that I’ve ever learned so I hope you got some value out of that this does apply to real state of course because we always start somewhere we start with 0 properties and then we add more so I hope you guys are doing great out there in the world where ever you are and until next time have a wonderful day. Well you guys have been asking for and I am so excited to announce that we have the dates picked out for our virtual event yep November 14 and fifteenth coming up we’re going to cover everything we did in our 2 previous live events but because of the times we’re going virtual and I couldn’t be more excited you’re gonna get all the same info the systems the process is the tools and the secrets that I’ve learned managing now over 15000 guests and multiple cities and earning millions in passive income head over to rest methods.com forward slash virtual to save your spot looking forward to seeing you in just a few short weeks.



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