Episode 118: Tips For Creating The Perfect Listing Title

How to build an Airbnb Business: Tips For Creating The Perfect Listing Title

Never have so few words packed such a punch. We’re talking about, on average, just 10 little short words. Ten little short words that comprise your short term rental listing’s title and ten little short words that could lead to a new reservation! If you have the title right, that is.

People are normally looking at your main photo first but second to that they’ll notice your title. Is your property currently listed as “Two bedroom suite in ideal location!” While that doesn’t sound bad at first glance… it’s dropping the ball in all kinds of ways.

You need to put some thought into your title and so this week (and after experimenting with all kinds of titles with my own properties) I want to give you my top tips for crafting the perfect listing title. We’ll discuss:

  • Following character limits
  • Who is your audience?
  • Include listings best features
  • Are you including redundant information?
  • Catchy words
  • Should you adjust your title?


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Welcome to short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate but with a specific focus on short term rentals quick actionable items to acquire manage and scale in your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to short-term rental riches sure we are another week another topic there are endless topics to help us with our short term rentals this one is important this week it’s something we derive from the beginning it’s put a title on our property how are we going to describe our property toward gas no I’m talking about the little Itsy Bitsy title that Airbnb gives us in fact it’s only 50 characters so I want to give you some of my tips to make sure that your writing the best title you can attract the most gas and the first one is simply use all of the characters so we only have 50 that is not a lot and each additional word we include in our title could be the reason that someone stops to browse our list seen and hopefully make a reservation so we want to make use of that whole line we want to use all words and now you might feel the urge to abbreviate a lot of words because you want to pack as much in there as you can I would be cautious with the previous versions if you’re going to use them I would suggest that the person that your writing this title to the person you’re trying to attract to your property is going to know what the abbreviation stands for so one that may work for example one that I might recommend is simply the W. with the slash west you know so jacuzzi was sunset view or something like that just examples abbreviation I tend to try to not use too many abbreviations but we do want to use all of the words all the space in our listing titles I’ve got 6 tips for you here so that’s the first one use all the space the second one is to speak to your audience so who is your guest avatar who’s booking your property who’s looking at your property is it a business traveler well then you might want to appeal to them is it. Someone coming to book a family vacation for a family of 5 that’s going to be different than the business traveler so we want to know first of all who’s booking our property for example a business traveler you might want to include words like modern old convenient maybe want to talk about a work space you want to fit that in your title somewhere so make sure you know who your audience is before you start to write your title so the next step would be to include your listings of best features do you have a house with a beautiful sunset view of the ocean or a tree top view over a forest or an infinity pool are you close to the beach are you on main street downtown these could all be examples of some really good features that you want to put right in your title your best best features right the title and again we don’t have a lot of words she got to be creative here take some time to play around with this next step don’t have redundant information I see this all the time I am searching for a 2 bedroom apartment on Airbnb and I see right in that person’s title it says 2 bedroom apartment downtown well I’ve already put 2 bedrooms in my search so you don’t need to put that back in your listing title because the people there are senior listing title they’ve already put in some of those search parameters already so make sure you don’t put in the amount of bedrooms or baths in there and also not a general location let’s say you’re booking apartment in San Diego California for example don’t put prime San Diego location because someone’s already put San Diego in their search so that’s kind of just wasted space there so make sure you’re not repeating information that someone’s already put into their search the next one and this one takes a little more creativity but we want to have catchy words we want to have words that stand. Now we don’t want to use words like good great nice you know kind of general generic words do you want to put a little more thought into it maybe oasis serene hidden gem I like to use words that start with the same letter because I think it’s kind of catchy now this is just my one of my preferences and we’ve got tons of different listing titles all across the board all different ways we’ve tried every which way you could think of but after all the listings that I put up in all the properties that I currently have these are my biggest tips and this is what I read on forums and recommendations that I hear from other places out on the great big internet now Airbnb and these other listing sites they’re always changing their search algorithm so it’s hard to say with 100 percent certainty which words in which ideas are helping more but one thing that is nice is that these titles are not static you can change these rights so you can explore with this so put some thought into the catchy words that you’re using one last tip is that because these are not static titles they don’t have to stay the same maybe you have a big event your area try adjusting your title during that booking window before that event so when someone might be looking to book your property before the Super Bowl for example maybe one include Super Bowl right your title that you’re right next to where the events going to happen or you might want to explore putting a landmark something super important right in the title and if it doesn’t work out you see your visibility dropped a little bit well then you can always change it right so the titles really important make sure you’re using all that space make sure you’re speaking your audience you know who your potential gas is going to be include your properties best assets it’s best attributes the best features of your property don’t put redundant information in there try to use catchy words. That are not generic like good great and grant her nice and then lastly try playing around with the title and try adding in different words before a special event or for a landmark or something like that try playing around with it until you have one it’s going to work best for you so those are my tips quick actual episode this week if you guys you’re enjoying the podcast and join our channel if you can leave us a review we greatly appreciate it it’s a lot of fun doing these a lot of fun getting all the feedback and until next time I hope you have a great day shares. Want to get on the fast track to financial freedom for short term rentals what all searching the properties you acquire you want to make sure that you acquire the right properties I want to give you my you doctor will show you how to do just that there is no charge to my gift to you for being one of our subscribers just go to rest methods.com that’s R. E. S. T. message.com.



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