Episode 171: What to Do If Your Airbnb Gets Shut Down

How to build an Airbnb Business: What to Do If Your Airbnb Gets Shut Down

Having a highly cash flowing short-term rental is not only liberating but it’s motivating. When the cash is rolling in, occupancy is staying high, and the times are good, it seems like there is nothing but blue skies ahead and your next STR is always in sight.

Until… something changes that stops you in your tracks. “I knew it was good to be true,” you mumble under your breath.

Your Airbnb is banned! An ordinance or regulation changes and you can no longer rent your property as you were. What do you do now?

While visiting friends and fellow short-term rental owners in Lancaster, Pennsylvania we visited a beautiful wedding venue with a huge barn turned into four or five short-term rentals. The perfect cash flowing machine until the city shut him down.

I have my own properties that have been restricted and it’s not fun. I want to talk about this week how you can handle changing times. Let’s discuss:

  • Being proactive
  • Where the rules are blurry
  • Four and a half back up options

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Welcome back to the short-term rental riches podcast. I’m just going to cut to the chase. So, this week it’s not all roses and daisies out there in the short-term rental World. Sometimes really big changes can affect us in a really big way even to the point where it’s not worth it for us to have our short-term rental anymore or maybe because we just can’t even operate it anymore. Talking this week about what to do when the regulations change and you get shut down.

Welcome to short-term rental riches will discuss vesting in real estate but with a specific focus on short-term rentals quick actionable items to acquire manage and scale your portfolio. I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rental riches podcasts it’s difficult out there when the rules change and it changes the way we can operate our rentals. And we all know if we’ve been in the space for a little while that these rules can change some places, they’re really strict and some places they encourage short-term rentals like vacation rental markets. For example, I found that in general basis with housing shortages can have some of the strictest regulations. Also places that are nice neighborhoods people don’t want you to move it in with a short-term rental and guests coming in and out. So, there’s certain situations that Going to be a little easier than others.

So, I just want to break down the steps this week to how you can be proactive. First of all, if you haven’t bought your short-term rental yet, the steps that you’ll want to take to make sure that you’re getting into a good investment. I want to talk about those areas that are still gray areas and where maybe it’s legal to operate a short-term rental, but there’s no actual Rule and place. And then, finally, I want to talk about what you can do, if your rental was actually shut down or the ordinance, or the city regulations changed. And you can no longer operate a traditional short-term rental.

So short-term rentals can be a lot of fun. But when they get shut down or when the rules change, that really flips things upside down and this is a really big difference between investing in traditional long-term rentals and real estate versus short-term rental. It’s something that we have to be super careful about. We can’t buy a short-term rental that we can’t legally operate as a short-term rental. So, the first step is just being proactive, if you Aunt, bought your short-term rental yet? Well, there’s some really easy ways now to check, if it’s legal in the area where you plan on investing, and we have to do this, we have to be 100% certain that are short term-rental can be operated as a short-term rental. So where can we go?

Well, Airbnb’s provided a lot of good resources for this on their website. So, if you go on airbnb.com and you search for the city, there is a regulation section and you can look at your cities regulations. Now they don’t have regulations for the whole world but it’s a good Thirteen place to do have a lot of good information but I wouldn’t stop there, right? This is a good first place to check to see if they have information already.

The most prudent way to do this, is to call the city to call the local ordinance or the county and make sure that there is a permit that you can get for your short-term rental and that it’s easy to get. That’s the other thing. We don’t want to buy a property with the chance of being able to get a permit because what if we don’t actually get it. So, you may find that a certain City or a certain County or certain neighborhood allows for short-term rentals. But you really need to dig into the actual property because you might be buying a property that has historic regulations, you might be buying a property that has some sort of HOA regulations against short-term rentals. It might be a property in neighborhood that has some City and ours in place that prevent you from operate as a short-term rental, to really need to dig into this specific property that you’re planning on buying. And the easiest way to do that. Just to talk to the ordinances and make sure.

So that is the first step we want to be proactive. Hopefully, you can find a good property that already has a permit in place and if you are able to buy an existing property with an existing permit and those are limited well that can be a very lucrative property because Supply is restricted, right? And even though we might be in somewhat economic Rocky times, I still think that short-term rentals are a new way. The people are living. It’s going to continue to stay that way and demand as long as you’re in a good market where people want to be and populations growing.

And there’s reasons to be there, talked about that a lot on this channel, as long as you’re in a market where there are plenty of reasons to be there in plenty of guests to attract, well, I think that’s going to be a good investment as long as it’s legal. So, let’s say you found a property and everything is perfect about it. The numbers look really good but it’s in an area that doesn’t have a permit process in place, yet, you don’t know if it’s actually legal to operate an Airbnb there because they don’t have a rule saying that, you can’t do it and they don’t have a rule saying that you can do it. Well, I would be careful with these areas because what could happen, you buy that property and a month down the road, a year, down the road, several years down the road and something changes, and you can no longer do it there. Well, that’s really going to affect your investment and depending on how much you’re relying on that income, it could really just turn your life upside down.

“We covered a lot of topics on this podcast and a quick action will bite size format. So, you have the tools to acquire and improve your short-term rentals on your own. But if you want to go deeper, I have a special invite for you. Join us once a month that are rested, investor Clubhouse, where we go in-depth on an individual topic, everything from analyzing properties to improving operations and our bottom line, we cover it all the clubhouse members and myself are sharing best practices to earn the most revenue with the least amount of headache and I would love to have you there as well. That’s restmethods.com forward slash Rich. Our lives are shaped by those. We spend the most time with. So, if you want to take your STR to the next level. Come join us. I hope to see you on the inside.”

So, with that said, I know that a lot of you out, there are buying properties in these areas, myself included. Now I’m not recommending this and I do have backup plans, so I’m going to get to those backup plans here in a quick second, but a couple things that you want to consider if you are still okay. And again, this comes down to your Risk level because you have to keep in mind that this property’s regulations could change. And so, you got to have backup plans, we’re going to get to that. But a first step, if you’re buying a property, one of these areas is just talked to the neighbors. You always want to talk to the neighbors. Even if you have a permit for the property, you want the neighbors to know, what are going on. And I found that more people have had issues in nicer neighborhoods or more exclusive neighborhoods. You could say where people have been living peacefully for a long time, not to say that short-term rentals aren’t peaceful but they do A little more action going on, right? There are more people coming in and leaving with luggage and it could raise some eyebrows.

So, if you’re in a really exclusive neighborhood or you’re in a neighborhood, that’s just strictly residences and there’s no commercial shopping there. There’s no mixed-use area. Well, then that is going to raise my eyebrows. You want to make sure that you talk to your neighbors and your neighbors are good source to talk to. Anyways, we can learn a ton from our neighbors anytime. I’m buying a new property. I like to go there in person. I haven’t it always done that as a lot of, you know, I live in South America and I have for quite a long time. So, I have had people go there that I really trust. But if I’m there in person and I see a neighbor walk out of their house, you better believe, I’m talking to him and telling him what the plan is, and it’s a great way to learn about the neighborhood to learn. If there was any issues there to get some resources, who knows they might even be a resource for a handyman, which, you know, you’re going to need for your short-term rental. So, make sure you talk to your neighbors. That’s the first step.

Second step. If you’re buying a property in an area that doesn’t have a regulation place it just make sure that you’re constantly checking to see if they do come out with some sort of regulations because you’re going to want to file for that permit as soon as possible. The last thing here is that you just got to know your risk tolerance, right? And if you’re buying investment, that makes sense. As a long-term rental that is one of my backup options. I’ll get to that here in a second but if you’re buying a property, that makes sense is a long-term rental, but it makes much Iran comes a short-term rental, there’s no regulations in place.

Well, maybe you’re comfortable with that risk, knowing that, hey, I might be able to make a 235 x times in Revenue versus the long-term rental for 125 years, or maybe forever, but knowing that, those laws might change if you’re comfortable with that. Well, then I’m not going to push you away from that. I just not recommending it. The last thing is if we’re buying a property in an area that’s got gray areas, we just have to understand our risk. So now let’s get to the backup. And so, what happens if we already have a property, a short-term rental, it’s been doing really well. And all of a sudden, the regulations change and we can no longer do it. I was in Lancaster Pennsylvania. Few months back giving a talk with an awesome group of investors and we visit a lot of cool properties. They’re one of the ones we visited was this amazing wedding venue. It was really, really nice. I mean, you just felt calm. Be in there. There was Rolling Green Hills and there was quite a few short-term rentals built into this one property, but fortunately, the regulations changed.

And after operating this property this way for several years, my friend can no longer legally, do it as a short-term rental. So, this brings us to our backup options. What backup options we have if we get shut down as a short-term rental? Well, the first thing I would say to take a look at is, what is your city or counties definition of a short-term rental? Most the time it’s a property. That’s rented for less than 28 to 30 days, but there could be a from the definition. So, make sure you understand what it is, they’re asking first. So, if we eliminate the ability to rent for less than 28 or 30 days, and that means we can rent firm or right. That’s no longer short-term rentals.

So, we’ve talked about that before medium term stays and become really common with traveling nurses with corporate travel with people trying to discover if they really like anew city maybe they want to live there. So medium term stays can be a great option. I know I’ve done this with a lot of my portfolio.

So that is one excellent option. That could provide a little less operation for you but still bring in a lot more income than your long-term rental at the opposite, end of this spectrum is a very, very short-term rental, which is so short that someone’s not actually even staying at your property. If you miss the episode, a few weeks ago, go back and check it out. We talked about pure space to platform where you can actually rent your property out by the hour and because no one’s staying there. Your property. It’s technically not a short-term rental anymore so this could be a good option for someone that has a wedding venue or maybe people are just needing it during the day or something. That has a really nice good-looking property That’s Unique or caters to photographers or someone that just needs it for a few hours. You’d be surprised hourly rates might actually exceed your nightly rates, in some situations so that is your second option.

The first one is we can do a medium-term stay. The second one is we can do a tiny short-term rental, that’s not an accommodation. It’s by the hour and we can do that with Pierce base. A third option is to see if this property works as a long-term, a traditional long-term rental. So, think a year-long lease and this is my Ultimate Backup plan for the majority of all my portfolio, but all comes down to cash flow, right. And what amount of cash flow you’re comfortable with, hopefully one of these three back of options, provides you, some cash flow so that you’re not – You can keep that property and you can build equity and you can build wealth for a long, long time.

But there is a chance that by not being an operator, short-term rental, you’re going to be under water, right? So, what is another option while the fourth option would be to sell the property? Yes, I know this is not an ideal situation but it is a reality for some people. And if we don’t see things changing, if there’s no way that we can get a permanent none of these He’s other a kebab options are going to work. Well then, it’s up to you. If you want to stay with a property that’s going to be losing money for a while, right? So those are four options, you have, if the regulations change you can try and medium-term stay, you can try and itsy-bitsy. Stay, you can try a traditional long-term. Stay, if your property still cash flows, you can try selling your property and but there is a caveat here, there is a caveat. And that is that a lot of people, a lot of us have bought short-term rentals because As we wanted to personally use them, write their vacation rentals, or maybe their places where we’re spending more and more time, maybe a few months a year, well, another option can be is it possible that you could just live there longer? Maybe you take that retirement and you can work remotely now and you move to a place that you wanted to move to a much sooner than you thought you had.

So, I know that’s not a reality for a lot of people but maybe it is for you and it is an option. So, it’s never fun when the Rules, change against us, they go against our investments. These things are changing all the time, I think, sort of, at the end of the day, it’s like an Uber situation, right? Most of us, enjoy taking Uber versus traditional taxis or other options. I know, I do for sure, especially when I show up in anew country especially country where I don’t speak the language. And if I have Uber well, I trust it, right? They have a bunch of reviews. The price is already negotiated versus me going to a taxi driver trying. You asked how much it costs to go to a certain place that I don’t exactly know where it is.

And so over has been really good for the world, right? Short-term rentals have as well and so I think at the end of the day short-term rentals are going to Prevail on a lot, a lot of cities ones where they’re going to have the toughest time or the regulations are going to be. The toughest is where the housing shortages are highest, where there’s more Hotel lobbyists and where there’s more people going against short-term rentals one last point, I want to leave you with though, just on the Polish side of short-term rentals is that these cities.

You got to remember that. They’re learning, transient occupancy tax, right? This is a tax that Airbnb collects for a lot of Cities. Most all the big ones and gives to them automatically. So, every time you rent your short-term rental out if you’re in one of these places or any City really has, transient occupancy tax, that ordinance that’s City. That county is getting that tax without having to create a whole other department without having to hire a bunch of other employees. They’re making in some cases tens of millions of dollars. Dollars and a lot of these, same cities don’t have big budgets. They’re in the hole, right? They need more money. And so, for me to think that the city will just turn off the regulations in some of these places and say goodbye to all of that money that was coming in. That’s a little difficult for a lot of places right now. Of course, it’s happening, and it’s going to continue to happen. So, just make sure that when you get into a mess moment, you’re comfortable with it from day one, you’re not betting on something changing in the future.

And if something does change in the future that you’re going to be okay with it or that one of those backup plans works for you, I hope that gave you a little more insight this week and I hope the rules haven’t changed where you have your short-term rental. Until next time, I hope you have a wonderful week I’ll talk to you soon.

Want to get on the fast track to Financial Freedom through short-term rentals what all starts with the properties you acquire. But you want to make sure that you acquired the right properties, I want to give you my e-book. That will show you how to do just that. There is no charge. It’s my gift to you for being one of our subscribers. Just go to restmethods.com. That’s REST methods.com



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If you are planning on acquiring property to operate as a short-term rental (Airbnb) there are a number of additional due diligence items you will not want to overlook.

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