Episode 76: Where can I find a good virtual assistant


How to build an Airbnb business: Where can I find a good virtual assistant

We’ve all gone virtual! So why are you limiting yourself and your team to those that you live near? I hope you are not. While we do need an “on-the-ground-team” for our short-term rentals we can do most things virtually. So if you haven’t yet hired a virtual assistant this week we are going to dive in to that. We’ll cover:

  • Where I look
  • What others recommend
  • Why I like working with filipinos
  • Why you shouldn’t feel guilty paying a “low” wage
  • How long does it take to find a good candidate?
  • Maximizing your time looking for candidates

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Everyone knows there’s more people working from home than ever before and in our short term rental businesses we can work with a lot of people virtually we only really need a couple people on the ground that’s our housekeeping or maintenance so I want to talk about bringing on a virtual team this week on the short term rental richest podcasts stay tuned.

Welcome to short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick action items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rental riches podcast happier here again as always and another topic that I think will really help you with your short term rental business we’re talking about virtual assistants and so there’s a lot that goes into this but as a short terminal operator a lot of our operations most of them in fact are virtual everything aside from housekeeping and maintenance and the physical property itself we can do virtually and that’s what we’ve been teaching on this show for the last year point 5 now and this week I wanted to break down where I look for virtual assistants are recently just hired several more on that to come in the near future but I want to break down where I look for them and just a couple quick notes on hiring and finding your virtual assistant because if you don’t already have one. And they are such a help it’s amazing team member and with the strength of our dollar it can really help us with our costs so I’m just going to tackle that point first because a lot of people feel bad about pain a a low wage to a virtual assistant a lot of virtual assistants you know what we hire from 23 to $56 an hour or higher and that seems like a really low wage in fact that is a really low wage if you were living in the U. S. for example but we know that the value of our U. S. dollar is much stronger than a lot of other currencies and I want to just give you an example I’m here in Brazil actually in my new apartment that I just got I’m gonna break that down in the future too but there’s a pool here I have a a private pool and I’m not the best of had pools before in the past I’m not very good with all the pool chemicals and stuff like that so I need someone to help me with the pull on a regular basis so I found a pool guy and he charges 150 realize per month that’s to come once a week and that is a little less than $30 a month right now with the value of our U. S. dollar course he sings always fluctuate what if we were to compare that to California for example where which is where I had my last pool this is years ago I would say I was paying at least $150 and that’s probably low it’s probably much more than that but even that that’s 5 times the amount that I’m paying here and this is a standard going wage so if we were to pay a minimum wage for example like in the U. S. 11 or $12 that would be really really high because the power and the strength of our dollar is really high this is exactly why I have been living outside the US for a long time why I love traveling because we can go to these beautiful places we. You need an amazing restaurants at a fraction of the cost not because it’s cheap in the city that were in but because the value of our dollar so on average I think you can expect to find great virtual assistance anywhere from 2 or $3 up to 4567 I mean you can go higher than that but those are the averages and there’s a lot a lot of talented people out there I love my team that I’m working with and it’s really exciting to to just be able to build a team virtually I work with people multiple multiple time zones you know I’m always here for the most part in a different time zone 5 or 6 I have virtual assistants in the states as well so this just allows us to work with the best people but also to watch our cost take advantage of the value of our dollars self with that point aside hopefully that made it a little more clear to you why we can get such good value when we look outside of where we’re living so with that point aside where do we actually find our virtual assistants and I work primarily with Filipino virtual assistants I just had great experience with them I’ve been working with them for years some of the reasons why I like working with Filipinos is that they speak English it’s not their first language but it’s very commonly spoken and a lot of them speak very very fluently and they use sort of the same kind of humor as we do in the in the western worlds like the US and in Canada and their accent is more similar than say you know south African or you know an Indian virtual assistant with with an accent so I found the language to be very very good and similar but on top of that I found Filipinos just to be very nice friendly. Loyal and honest people and that’s what allows us to to grow it as a business is loyalty and honesty you know those are huge up on my list and my experience all the Filipinos of work with it have said that very very nice people to work with so we talked about kind of the way H. and and what you could expect to pay a Filipino virtual assistant where do we find them there’s 3 places that I can recommend I’ve only used one of them but the other 2 have come very highly recommended I use online jobs.T. H. and one of the great things about it is that wall with online jobs page and the other 2 that I recommend is that there’s no middle man so if you’re looking for someone on upwork or Fiverr for example you might be paying 20 percent to the middle man top work and so that takes away from the amount of money that your virtual systems making but also cost you more so I use online jobs.PH you can post a job online you pay a monthly fee when you find a virtual assistant you you can cancel your monthly fee I believe right now it’s $69 courses things are always changing but that is plenty of time to find virtual assistance and you can find ritual systems for anything I’ve recently been looking specifically for gas reception but you can find video editors web developers podcast editors on social media you know administrative tasks an email again anything you can think of we can pretty much you virtually these days so I use all my jobs.P. H. it’s worked really well for me but I’ve also been recommended a couple others one is called best jobs.P. H. I. and that is also flat feet her position that you hire somewhere under $100 and then the third one if you don’t want to do the hiring yourself this is a great option and this is virtual. Staff finder.com now it will cost you in today’s prices around $500 but what they’re gonna do is take your job description which you need to make sure is exactly what you’re looking for but they’re gonna take that and they’re going to do all the the interviewing and all that for you in there to find 3 great candidates for you to pick from now if you don’t like any of the candidates so they don’t work out I believe they will find more for you but this can save you a lot of time so those are the 3 that I’ve use online jobs best jobs that PH version virtual staff finder will put a link in the show notes and if you haven’t yet check out our new website we’ve got a new website S. T. R. riches.com we’re putting all kinds of resources on there but you can also go back and you can view all of these prior podcast episodes and you can search very easily so check that out if you haven’t and if you haven’t left this review of course would really really appreciate that to sulk we talked about a potential wage that you could pay why I like working specifically with Filipinos 3 places where you can find them the last thing I want to cover today’s just how long does it take to actually find a good candidate well I believe it only takes a week yep it just one week as long as your job description is accurate that should be plenty of time to get some good candidates if you’re not finding good candidates then something’s off you’re either your job positions that may be off the description maybe the amount that you’re trying to you’re willing to pay for that position remember that each position can have varying wages to they’re not all the same just like they’re not all the same anywhere in the world take a look at other job postings you can get a good accurate idea of of what you might expect to pay and just a little more information on what you might want to include in your job posting I. I’m gonna go into this in more depth in the future because there’s a lot of steps of this right but I just want to give you the top 3 places that I found in just bring up this idea again of having a virtual assistant because if you don’t already. Given that make your life so much so much easier so check that out I’m going to go into much more detail in the future about my new team some of the things we’re doing I’m really excited to share that with you but until then I hope you have a wonderful week and. There’s so much money to be made the short term rentals but it all starts by having the right property if you guys haven’t yet seen my free ebook on our website rest methods.com head over there and get a copy it’s going to break down what I look for in a property in some great short cuts so that you don’t have to spend hours and hours researching at over rest methods.com and you can grab your free copy there if you want a crash course in everything I’ve really learned to short term rentals in over 5 years managing over 15000 Gasol recorded on our last live event and I’m happy to say we broke it down really nicely into a bunch of different modules that you can watch at your own pace it takes you from start to finish from finding a property we talk about analyzing the property but then also some of the more important pieces how to find your team and how to set up everything so that you can run your operation is passively as possible and free up your time you can find that it rests methods.com forward slash virtual.



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