Episode 49: Why workspace for your Airbnb is a must


How to build an Airbnb business: Why workspace for your airbnb is a must

Do you have a workspace in your short term rental? More people are working from home than ever before so it’s imperative that we have a work space for our guests. There are several things to incorporate to ensure our potential guests know what they are getting. Adding a workspace will attract longer term guests to make sure your rentals stay booked. Not to mention, the work from home guests tends to be very low maintenance. Let’s dive into a few must haves:

  • Super fast Wi-Fi (and a screenshot)
  • Desk and workspace
  • Description in your photos
  • Extras like a charging station or microphone
  • Is it quiet? 

Want to get a crash course in just two days with everything you need to know to find, acquire and operate a short-term rental passively? Good news! We’ve gone virtual and our next event takes place November 14-15th 2020. For all the details and to save your spot head to: https://restmethods.com/virtual

If you want to learn more about Tim’s journey, email us at resilience@restmethods.com for a free copy of the Amazon Best Selling book Tim co-authored: “Resilience, Turning Your Setback Into a Comeback.” Please make sure your subject line says “Book Copy”

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In the short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick action items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rumors this podcast happier here as always I gotta say I got a big smile on my face today bigger than normal I guess I made it back to Colombia finally so the restrictions on travel have lifted quite a bit they open their borders I was outside the country for like 7 months to finally finally made it home so happy happy to be here and hope you guys are doing well wherever you are in the world part of me being away and working remotely is finding a good place to get my work done you know I work on the computer like so many of us do today so many more people than before and so having a work space is really important and I also just launched a new rentals from one of the things that I highlighted in there was my work space so I wanted to talk about that today how important I think it is to have these spaces in our rentals going forward because times have changed and the way we work has changed so we’re gonna go over just a few quick tips on having a work space in the E. or rental let’s dive right in well first off we want to have a place to put our computer to put our laptop somewhere that’s comfortable in really is dedicated to working I can be a small little desk in the corner whatever it is you and have a good good space for someone to be able to work preferred Lee quiet now there’s a there’s like a few other things that we can do to really boost the space and that’s you know what if what if you have a web cam there for them already we do so many virtual events now what if you have a a microphone for them a comfortable chair a charging station where they can plug in all their device. This is so just having a dedicated work space but but make sure to showcase it in your photos to sell also put in the text underneath the photos that you know this is a perfect spot to get some work done in the course that’ll be in your listing description as well no one of the things that goes along with having a dedicated work space is having good internet right we can’t get much done without the internet these days what I like to do and what I recommend doing is taking a snapshot of your internet connection so if you’re using Google routers aero routers or whatever routers you using sometimes they have their own built in speed test which you can use but you can also just go to speed test.net you can do that on your phone. You can do that on a computer take a snapshot and put that in your listing photos and you want to be one of your top photos really I mean we know how important it is so a few pictures of your space to start out and then you know maybe fourth fifth photo something like that could be your internet speed is we know even if we put we have super fast wifi speed are listing description a lot of people don’t read those so I think having a work space is super important you guys know that the rentals that I recommend or the properties that I recommend to acquiring tend to be and like not in denser urban area but not know fully suburban area kind in the those mid town places so if you can fit a work space N. I think it’s awesome and especially because our stays are longer these days right our average stays increased a lot and it’s because people can stay longer they can work from wherever they are so we really want to make sure that this is something that we’re incorporating in our rentals do those couple just quick tips just take a picture of your internet speed take a picture of your work space for firmly comfy chair for verbally you know little charging station if you have a Mike if you have a webcam even better I mean you’re really going to stand out with your listing if you have these few extra things in your probably going to attract someone that will stay longer because they know they can get their work done so consider those few things I know it’s something that I look for when I am looking for another Randall the stand when I’m traveling and it’s only gonna be more and more important going forward couple quick tips for a nice and quick this week I hope you’re doing well out there and rentals are staying occupied and catch up with you next week. Well you guys have been asking for it and I am so excited to announce that we have the dates picked out for our virtual event yep November 14 and fifteenth coming up we’re going to cover everything we did in our 2 previous live events but because of the time so we’re going virtual and I couldn’t be more excited you’re gonna get all the same info the systems the process is the tools and the secrets that I’ve learned managing now over 15000 gas and multiple cities and earning millions and passive income head over to rest methods.com forward slash virtual to save your spot looking forward to seeing you in just a few short weeks.



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If you are planning on acquiring property to operate as a short-term rental (Airbnb) there are a number of additional due diligence items you will not want to overlook.

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