Episode 134: Why You Might Want to Delete Your Airbnb

How to build an Airbnb Business: Why You Might Want to Delete Your Airbnb

Whether you sold your house, decided not to rent your home any longer, are doing a major renovation, or dropped the ball and got some bad initial reviews with your short-term rental, you might want to consider deleting it.

This week, we will talk about how to delete your Airbnb listing (not your entire account!) and what other different Airbnb alternatives are worth pursuing before making that final and irreversible decision. I have removed quite a few listings myself over the years and so this week I’ll share with you my experiences and some facts on:

  • Why you might delete your listing
  • Before and after considerations
  • How to delete your Airbnb listing
  • Airbnb Alternatives you might want to consider
  • Can Airbnb deactivate my listing?

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Welcome to short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate but with a specific focus on short-term rentals quick actionable items to acquire manage and scale in your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back thanks for tuning in again there are some real reasons why you might want to delete your listing on Airbnb or whatever TA online travel agency you’re using an obvious one is if you sell your property right to sell your property well then you’re not clean the list anymore unless the person that’s buying your property wants to keep operating it as a short term rental that’s happened with me before and so you could just simply share your account with them as a co host or you could work that out with the buyer directly but there are other reasons why you might want to delete a listing sometimes we don’t actually have to do lead it though so for example maybe you want to do a big renovation we’re gonna be changing the floor and are changing the kitchen or just doing some big updates are gonna take a little while well you might think about deleting that but in fact that’s probably not the best option you would want to snooze it or unless it’s we’ll talk about those alternatives but first just a couple notes on the leading in a listing this is more specific to Airbnb you cannot delete a listing that has active reservations so you can’t if someone’s checking in your rental next week you can’t delete your listing today but you can block your calendar or snooze it after that reservation ends and that would give you the ability to delete it afterwards we need to delete a listing it removes everything permanently and they make sure that they notify you about that except there’s one thing that it does remove and that your financial data so if you’re going back and you need to poll numbers on a property maybe that you sold you deleted the listing you’re still gonna find that under Airbnb account when you go into your. On the tax side in the income where you can see all the historic data so you will have that but everything else is going to be gone removing a listings also not going deactivating your listing is not going to remove all your reviews so you can deactivate a listing and it’s still going to stay on there that’s one of the alternatives to actually deleting your listing so we’ll get to a couple other ones but how do you actually delete your listing lights pretty simple although Airbnb tries to get you not to do it they had to do quite a few questions basically go to your home page we’re gonna open up your listing you’re gonna go to listing details and then listing status and under listing status that’s we’re gonna click edit a drop down menu is going to appear they will allow you to pause your listing or hide it that’s going to make sure that doesn’t show up in search results so that’s an alternative to the Lena you can snooze that that’s kind of like the same thing so no one can see in your search results you can on the list that or the final option is just a full on it delete it and they’re going to ask you why and they’ve got some of the more common instances in there I’m doing a renovation I’m doing this I sold the property and then they’re going to ask you another question or 2 after that before you actually hit the button that says delete my listing so it’s pretty easy to do they’re gonna ask you quite a few questions try to get you to not do it but you can do it in a few minutes those 2 alternatives that are very good and you want you’ll want to unless source news your property if you plan on re renting it again in the future so the only situation really where you’re gonna want to delete your listing as if you just don’t have the property anymore and you’re not gonna need the listing but if you plan on making some change just make sure you listed are unlisted or snooze it so that it’s not showing up in the search results you may also you know there’s been some times where I live considered selling properties and so it’s hard to show a property to put. Behind her if you have guests staying in there either especially for gas is only staying for a couple days you don’t want to have a random person coming in and reviewing things and doing not sold that’s one of the tough pieces I guess about selling the properties you really have to block that schedule so that it’s just sitting there vacant so you have time to show potential buyers now in today’s market we know a good property is flying off the shelves bridal have to block it for that long but that is a real consideration if you’re planning on selling a property so in that case either block the counter or snooze the property others also some scenarios where Airbnb can deactivate your listing for you where they’re going to do it without asking you and we don’t want that right but that’s usually will more dropping the ball somewhere we’ve haven’t provided them the information that they need so if you have 4 consecutive reservation requests that expire they’re going to temporarily deactivate your listing other going to notify you when you log in to your dashboard online you’re gonna see that it’s temporarily unlisted no give me the reason why so usually when they unless the property probably gonna be for about 5 days and of course you can try your best call Airbnb I get them whatever they need to try to improve they can also unless the property if you if your review score drops below a certain amount so again we know how important reviews are and we want to keep them up but for whatever reason it drops below they can unless your property for you another reason if you consistently take more than 7 days to pre approve inning query they can list deactivate your property so quick actionable episode for you this week hopefully you’re not having to delete too many lessons unless you just sold some properties made killing hopefully that is happening if your son properties but I’m in this for the long haul so when I sell property like to reinvest it into another one but you need to delete your listing is not that hard just go to your profile. Go to the listing status deleted or consider on last seen and or snoozing at and pretty simple little topic this week but something that might come up so thanks again for tuning in to the short term rental richer’s podcast if you guys have ideas or topics or anything that you want us to talk about you can head to our website S. T. R. riches.com let us know we love getting feedback it’s great getting all the feedback and I know there’s a lot of questions out there so let us known until next time I hope you have a wonderful day. I want to get on the fast track to financial freedom for short term rentals what all searching the properties you choir you want to make sure that you acquired the right properties I want to give you my E. book that will show you how to do just that there is no charge to my gift to you for being one of our subscribers just go to restmethods.com that’s R E S T methods.com.



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If you are planning on acquiring property to operate as a short-term rental (Airbnb) there are a number of additional due diligence items you will not want to overlook.

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