Episode 102: 9 Questions You Will Receive AFTER Reservation

How to build an Airbnb business: 9 questions you will receive after reservation

My team and I have managed almost 9000 reservations and almost 18,000 guests. From those guests we’ve sent and received over 140,000 messages – it’s a lot I know. While many of those were automated there are some messages that we just can’t automate; when an issue arises.

For this week we’ve broken down our top 10 questions you will receive AFTER your guest checks out.

If you missed the first part of this series head back to get the top questions you will get asked BEFORE a guest makes a reservation or checks in to your property and part two: top issues that may arise during a guest’s stay.

This week, we’re ending the series with the top questions that will come up AFTER a guest stays at your property. Tune in to find out what common issues arise after your guests check out.

The dates are set for our next virtual event! Join us on November 13-14 as we uncover everything you need to know to find, acquire, and operate a short-term rental with passive operations!

For more info and to register, visit here.

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In the short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick actionable items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rental riches podcast super happy you’re here as always. So we get asked lots of questions a short terminal host right but as we know if you’ve been listening to podcasts we don’t need to personally respond to all those we can automate a lot of facts we can automate the majority but there are still questions that you’re going to get asked this is part 3 of a 3 part series on the questions that you will get asked after running your short-term rentals for a while these questions are specific to when a gas has checked out when their reservation has ended I’ve got 9 questions for you this week if you unless this podcast for a while you know my team and I have managed a heck a lot of reservations hopefully listen to the first 2 parts of this 3 part series on questions we’ve been asked a lot of questions we’ve sent received over 140000 so we’ve got a little bit experience with this little bit of street cred I guess you could say but I want to break down this week 9 questions that you will get asked at some point so these are after guest checks out after the reservation ends the first part were pre inquiry questions of before guest checks in your property and the second part of this 3 part series or questions you’ll get while against is in your property so let’s just go ahead and get started question number one you will get when someone’s reservation ends so maybe they haven’t actually left yet but the reservations over they’re gonna ask can I have a late check out hopefully they’ve asked you a little bit in advance hopefully you have your answer already set up for this our team and I typically don’t allow late check out just because it makes it really hard with all the operations most time our housekeepers are there ready to clean the unit as soon as that check out time arrives for us that’s 11:00 AM number 2 can I extend my stay sometimes people ask this very last minute when they’re checking out so that will come up they’re going to ask you if the dates are still available. If they’re not maybe you’ve got another place to put them but if not unfortunately that’s just what happens when we do things super duper last minute number 3 is there anything we need to do to check out we send our check out instructions to all of our guests a few hours before their check out time and they’re very simple usually it’s just Hey if you don’t mind please turn off the lights and AC unit locked the door behind you we will ask him to take out the trash from Alaskan to pilot the linens or anything like that of course you can if you want to but guests are going to ask you what they need to do to check out number 4 I left my blank at your property I left my most common it’s a phone charger but sometimes someone leave something a little more valuable and they will certainly leave items in your property so you need to have a way to kind of manage that with storage spots on a lot of our properties so we will store some things in there for a period of time if the gas ask for them we’re happy to to ship them back you know if it’s something valuable if it’s going to cost us a lot to ship and then we would charge them for that as well but most common thing you’re gonna get our phone phone Chargers you’re gonna get a timeless so you probably won’t ever have to buy one again. Or your housekeepers I should say. How because people don’t really come back for those small little tiny things but people are gonna leave items so make sure you’ve got a plan to handle that number 5 we checked out but can we leave our luggage at your property up to you guys how you want to handle that most of time we can’t really allow for this because we either usually we’ve got another gassed checking in but you will get asked that it’s nice to have a recommendation form if they can’t leave their luggage there maybe you have a favorite cafe nearby that you can recommend where they can hang out with their luggage and use fast wifi and drinks good coffee and all that stuff so number 6 where can I leave my review or can you leave a review for me some people building their B. B. profiles are building their their traveler the gas profiles one once you leave a review right away we’re always gonna leave reviews for our gas so that one might come up actually will come up. Number 7 I accidentally took your blank this is. Probably going to be something like a garage remote or a parking pass or a set of keys or something small that the gas just accidentally took maybe they were using it during their stay and they rushed off to the airport there rushed off to go wherever they need to be and they forgot something so that’ll come up some sort of a miscellaneous item and then they’re gonna ask do you want me to send it back to you well hopefully has give if they should send it back to you and that’s up to you to handle that so it’s always a good idea to have backups for that stuff back up garage remotes backup keys anything that you need for your next upcoming gas that’s crucial I keys to get in really good to have backups for those number 8 I accidentally broke blank so this is nice that the gas is telling us course our housekeepers are gonna find out if something is broken as well but someone may write you in Saxony broke the TV off and on the TV but I accidentally broke a bedside lamp it fell off the table or broke a vase or broke some wine glasses how do you want to handle that it’s good to have response good for receptionist robbers helping you with your guest messages to have say response just ready to go because the better prepared you are with the answers just the smoother everything goes the better experience our guest has better experience our team has just the better it is overall the be prepared so if it’s something a large item then we’re usually in ask for some sort of compensation you know if it’s something small that broke wine glass that happens all the time then we’re not going to ask for them to you know send the $6 for a broken wine glass but if they broke a whole bunch of glasses or they ruined a whole bunch of towels then we are going to ask for some sort of compensation and and we would file resolution if that’s something that we need to do so a number 9. This is going to happen sometimes after guest checks out they get home they view their invoice if you how much they spent and they’re gonna say I got charged incorrectly now if you’re booking directly through Airbnb that’s gonna be pretty cut and dry right they handle that but if you’re booking through your own platform you’re on other platforms where you’re actually charging the gas maybe there was something that got messed up there but most all the time actually all the time we have the reservation booked in the gas knows exactly how much is up front they may have mis read something unfortunately but you will get that question and how do you want to handle that do you want to work with them it most time in our our situation we’ve got reservations cut dry so we’re gonna go ahead and stick with that self. Those are 9 questions that you will get as he guesses checking now or after they’ve already checked out and again and it’s better to be prepared the quicker we can respond or gas a better experience are going to have which means the more positive reviews you’re going to get the higher your properties will go up in the search rankings and the more money you will make with your short term rentals so if you don’t have answers for all those just preparing for take very long and until next time I hope you have a wonderful day if you haven’t got a chance to come to one of our last 3 live events which were a ton of fun and we learned a ton while I’m excited to share the dates for next virtual event November 13 and fourteenth you can find out more information at rest methods.com R. U. S. T. methods.com we are going to jam pack those 2 pages full of information if you haven’t got a short term rental yet or if you have a few or if you have a lot you’re going to learn a ton in this weekend event we’re going to share everything that my team and I have learned managing thousands and thousands and thousands of gas we’ve learned a lot we’ll take it from start to finish requiring these properties will run some case studies I will use my property analyzer tool which also get if you join the virtual then we’ll talk about setting up the perfect online listing like approach to attract the most gas and then we’ll talk about operations and standard operating procedures and some of the tools that you can use to manage these properties as passively as possible but maybe what I’m most excited about is after sharing all that is answering your guises questions live I love hearing all the questions and we always get a lot of good ones so come join us November 13 and fourteenth for our next virtual event again you can check it out at rest methods.com look for. To see neither.


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If you are planning on acquiring property to operate as a short-term rental (Airbnb) there are a number of additional due diligence items you will not want to overlook.

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