Episode 127: A Free Digital Guidebook Option

How to build an Airbnb Business: A Free Digital Guidebook Option

The fewer questions we receive from our guests the easier it is to manage our short-term rentals and if it’s easier it’s likely that we will continue doing it and building our portfolios! At the same time, receiving fewer questions also indicates that our guests have everything they need!

So we talk a lot about communication on this channel and how to best serve our guests. One of those ways that we highly recommend is to have a digital guidebook. It’s not just about communication but it’s how we are communicating and a digital guidebook allows us to relay information in a very easy and visibly pleasing way.

This week we’re going to talk about how we can get our recommendations and property information over to our guests using a FREE option that doesn’t require a software subscription.

We’ll be using my favorite program in the world! I use it every day in both my business and my personal life and couldn’t imagine staying organized without it. And I know that ANYONE with a short-term rental could benefit from using it.

This week’s episode we’ll dive into:

  • Sharing info with your guests efficiently
  • Providing better instructions
  • Creating a FREE digital Guidebook
  • Creating a FREE digital Housekeeping checklist


Listen to my episode about Notion here and you can check it out online at www.Notion.so

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Get a copy of my 12 proven house rules to protect your property from almost every negative situation (highly recommended)

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P.s. did you know that we just launched a mastermind group where we can talk directly? Find out more info here

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Welcome to short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate but with a specific focus on short term rentals quick actionable items to acquire manage and scale in your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

So I’m down here in Brazil still and when friends come visit you know they always ask for restaurant recommendations things like that and I we used to always. Text them over yeah I really like this place really like this place it’s located here you know make sure if you’re in town you don’t miss a spot same goes when I’m in Colombia and friends come to visit and I have been using notion for a while you’ve heard me talk about that before you listen to podcasts for a while the first episode I did on it was episode 63 gives an overview of notions so if you haven’t already heard that one go back and check it out it’s going to help you understand this up so a little bit better but basically I realized shoot why don’t I put all this stuff and notion and then I’ll just send us a link to my friends when I comes hot off the text the same thing to everyone notion has these capabilities so now I have a little link for my favorite restaurants someone comes I just boom I send them the link they don’t need a nap they don’t need anything like that they just open the website and boom they can see all my favorite restaurants divided by category because I’m really like seeds he like that I guess that I’ve got him or maybe just really like restaurants so way easier for me and with Google map locations embedded notion is amazing and go back and check out episode 63 I’m gonna give you a real quick snippet about it right now so this episode makes little more sense if you have already started using it but notion is essentially a platform to integrate all of your online resources your Google drive or Dropbox your YouTube videos your photos PDF files it’s a interface that you can create customized to organize all of these different things so that is notion and that that was one it kind of dawned on me yeah I could just send this link and then something else happened in this is much more related to short term rentals but I was working with the housekeeper here and she was missing a few things I’m sure this has happened to you if you could operating short term rentals for awhile sometimes things get missed and when things get messed it’s good to create a checklist so I created a. Checklist for my housekeeper and then I sent it to our same way just center the link she could open up she could see pictures of the way I wanted things she could see itemized bolded points make sure you leave the towels in the bathroom make sure so on and so on and I’m like oh my gosh why are we not sending these links to our guests sometimes when they ask for more information and then I realize shoot I could create a whole guide book on here and send it to my gas for free. Now I use host fully guide books to digital guidebook platform that’s was designed for I think it’s awesome and I’m not saying I’m going to switch over from that but if you’re looking for a free option this can be a really good source and if anything it just gets you in the using notion which I know that you can use in every aspect of your life I do he’s all times available on all mobile platforms even if it just gets you using notional bit more I think that’s enough reason in itself but you could make a pretty sophisticated guide book an ocean and just easily send a link to your gas now we like to send our guide book links when someone first makes a reservation that’s when things are fresh in their mind and then also right before they check in and so we send them through SMS text message we send the link they open at the computer on the phone it’s fresh in their mind. Of course you need to make sure that you get personal information from your gas when you get a reservation from them they’re booking on Airbnb for example we always **** after they make the reservation we please share your primary contact phone number the best contact phone number and the best email that way we have their information the text message is a good way to send important information over to your gas so consider that if you’re not using the guide book already I do really like the host fully guide books that’s what they’re designed for but they do cost money if you’re looking for another option looking for an option to send checklist your housekeepers or photos or videos or anything related your properties you can do that with notion it’s got a little share button at the top so after you create your page notion is free by the way depending on what version you’re using but the free version on get you really far you can share that page and all you need is that link you can copy and send that link to whoever you want in the whole world it’s basically like them opening a web page so again I love notion if you haven’t heard are absurd 64 I talk a lot more about notions of the cool things it can do we also did another recent episode where I was talking about organizing my team and how we do our reviews with notion and that is absurd 124 so you’re probably gonna hear me talking about how to how does should just check it out it’s really cool maybe just watch a you tube video to pique your interest if you haven’t already started using that and if you want to find those other episodes in easy way you can go to our website at S. T. R. riches.com you can just search notion we’ve got all of our episodes on there and we’ve got lots of links to other great information on there as well get our house rules in our show notes here so check those out there’s tons and tons of free resources out there and available notion again is another good way to Oregon. Highs all those free resources so I hope you guys are doing well wherever you are out in this big awesome world in your properties are doing well and you’re just as excited about short term rentals as I am and thank you again for Tony man and I will catch you next week John. Want to get on the fast track to financial freedom for short term rentals what all searching the properties you choir you want to make sure that you acquired the right properties I want to give you my you doctor will show you how to do just that there is no charge to my gift to you for being one of our subscribers just go to restmethods.com that’s R E S T methods.com.


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If you are planning on acquiring property to operate as a short-term rental (Airbnb) there are a number of additional due diligence items you will not want to overlook.

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