Episode 96: Top 15 Pre-Arrival Questions YOU WILL GET ASKED!


How to build an Airbnb business: Top 15 Pre-Arrival Questions YOU WILL GET ASKED!

Airbnb and other OTA’s do such a good job of providing us a platform to list our property. We can put in every detail necessary! From the type of coffee maker we have to our favorite nearby restaurants to the type and size of mattresses we use in our rentals. But do people actually read this? Well… sometimes. But definitely not always.

How do I know? We get asked the SAME questions all the time. Questions for which all already have an answer in my listing.

So knowing that many guests do not read anything we need to be ready to answer the questions they will ask. We’ve compiled our top 15 questions guests will ask you BEFORE they book your rental.

Stay tuned for this week’s episode where we will break each one down and get you thinking about your answers, or better yet, your saved responses 🙂

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In the short-term rental riches will discuss investing in real estate with a specific focus on short term rentals quick actionable items to wire. Scale your portfolio I’m your host Tim Hubbard.

Welcome back to the short-term rental riches podcast here we are another week jump in and dive in indoor short terminal businesses hopefully you guys are doing well out there I’ve been diving into our numbers recently our numbers in terms of gas that we’ve accommodated numbers in terms of messages that we’ve sent and I want to break it down here we’ve had almost 9000 reservations that is a heck of a lot of reservations and on average each of those reservations are receiving about 16 messages now a lot of these messages are automated but a lot of them are not so I want to break down this week the most commonly asked questions before I guess checks in our property so out the inquiry stage I’ve got 15 for you you will undoubtedly get asked these questions so it’s best that were prepared with answers going forward so let’s just jump right into it number one how fast is your wifi speed it is super important isn’t this is a very important question for me when I go to stay somewhere and it is for everyone else and they might frame this in a different way you know is your is your wife I good what exact speeds you have so we’ve talked about the answers all these 15 questions I’m gonna go over and other episodes I just kind of want to touch on the surface of them just so that you’re aware just so you have these answers prepared but quick easy shortcut for this one is that we have a screen shot of our internet speed and all over the same spot still these are the questions Gasser Askin no matter how much info we put on our list and so you will get asked that number 2 can I. An early check in kind of a late check out you are going to get asked this question all the time up to you whether you want to accommodate or not just know the more you scale the harder this one is to accommodate really the only time that we allow this now is it far housekeepers there on site and they already have the unit cleaned in the guest showed up early self other than that we’re pretty much it’s a no for that one. We would like to bring our golden retriever or our dog or pet or can’t do allow pets even if you have this listed in your listing they’re still going to ask you and of course this policy is up to you as well now a lot of people might say that the animal to bring in is a service dog or a therapy dog for emotional support dog however you want to frame it be careful if you say no to these guest inquiries because they could potentially file a discrimination claim with Airbnb against you so just be careful on that one but that is a very very common question you’ll get asked number for. Is your property in a safe neighborhood again we can put all this information and our list scenes they can read our reviews that says it is but that’s another question you’ll probably get asked make sure you’ve got a good response for that one how far is your property from blank location because of course on Airbnb we don’t get to see most of time the actual address that were both keen so we have a general idea but we don’t know exactly where it is so you will get asked about one a lot as well another question that comes up and these are kind in order of how often you’re gonna get asked them and their skin kind of trail off number 15 might not be so common but I will promise you that the longer you operate short term rentals you will get asked all these questions. Can I make a reservation for someone else can I make a reservation for my grandpa or my mom that doesn’t have an Airbnb account in other words they wanna make what’s called a third party reservation third party booking third party making up for someone else now this might also be an insurance company or a company looking for a place for some of their employees to work for so up to you again how you want to answer this. What floor is your unit house property located on. Again all these things we have in our list scenes we can be very detailed with their listings but. People don’t read much that is the sad truth so these again are the pre inquiry questions these are questions you’re gonna get before someone actually books your property give elevators in the building or is it accessible for handicapped this is gonna be a little less common but it will pop up at some point. I was wondering if you have any policy against bringing intense or children under X. H. again this is in our list scenes we have policies on this but people ask you and people also bring their kids and their infants even though they don’t tell you as well so that that’s gonna happen to you they might ask the might be a little more honest about say wall will my son who’s 7 years older my daughter who’s 5 years old will they count as extra cast so you might get that is well that’s all kind of bundled into one question does your property have a security system or are you monitoring activity of any sorts of course not inside our properties right that is a big no no we can’t do that we don’t intrude anyone’s privacy and we have to be explicit with that in our listings that says these are exterior cameras only I do highly recommend having exterior cameras because they will help with security and you can monitor guest count all those things some people will ask that. Would you be open to negotiating a discount if I stay for X. amount of days you’ll definitely get this question especially for the longer stays you’ll get a lot more often make sure you know what you want to offer when that question pops up do you have parking on the premise again this isn’t realistic all these things are in our listing right these are like pre inquiry questions before someone staying at our property out my top 15 that we pulled out of almost 170000 messages that we’ve sent a lot a lot of messages so do you have parking on the premises it frees a paid do I need a parking pass very common questions especially if someone’s staying longer and if you’re in an urban area where parking is difficult to come by. Do you have any minimum stay requirements so this one most the time people are going to figure out when they’re trying to book because if they try to book one night they can’t if your policy is only allowing 2 nights plus won’t allow them to on the counter but you might still get that question popping up as well another common one for someone that might want to stay longer at your property is can I see your property in person before I book it. It can be challenging if you’re operating properties remotely there are lots of good ways to get a real visual idea of the property to your gas before of course we have our pictures but maybe think about having a 3 D. virtual video that you can send to someone in lieu of having them look at your property for long term stay self and number 15 what kind of coffee maker do you have. Okay so dive bundle this into an appliance type question you know what kind of a do you have a gas or electric but coffee. We love our coffee don’t really so people will ask you about your appliances before they book a property especially if it’s in a you know a bigger home where someone’s plan on cooking up a meal and things like that so be prepared these are the top 15 questions that we get asked most frequently at the end query stage before someone actually checked in our property this will be part of like a 3 or 4 part series I’m gonna do other episodes on this probably not in order but at different stages of a gas reservation so when I guess is actually at the property there’s lots common questions we get when a guest checks out of the property there’s lots of common questions we get so in future episodes I will bring those out to you guys so review your responses to your questions if you have a lot of saved ones make sure you save responses for all these questions because you’re gonna get past these I promise so hopefully that helps a little bit and hopefully you guys are all doing very very well out there thanks again for tuning in the podcast by way. If you haven’t yet please leave us a review or rating or comment on I. tunes we love to see that and it’s been great to see all the feedback it’s really been kind of a fun journey how we’re almost coming up on 100 episodes here can’t believe it hope you guys are doing fabulous out there and until next time have a wonderful day. There’s so much money to be made the short term rentals but it all starts by having the right property if you guys haven’t yet seen my free ebook on our website rest methods.com head over there and get a copy it’s going to break down what I look for in a property in some great short cuts so that you don’t have to spend hours and hours researching at over rest methods.com and you can grab your free copy there if you want a crash course in everything I’ve really learned to short term rentals in over 5 years managing over 15000 Gasol recorded on our last live event I am happy to say we broke it down really nicely into a bunch of different modules that you can watch at your own pace it takes you from start to finish from finding a property we talk about analyzing the property but then also some of the more important pieces how to find your team and how to set up everything so that you can run your operation is passively as possible and free up your time you can find that it rests methods.com forward slash virtual.



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If you are planning on acquiring property to operate as a short-term rental (Airbnb) there are a number of additional due diligence items you will not want to overlook.

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